Rules for Campus Exams
- Written exams taken on campus are anonymous. That is to say, the teacher marking and grading your exam does not know who has written it.
- You need to arrive early for the exam so that you can present your I.D. and receive an anonymity code. Doors close 10 minutes before the official start time of the exam. Any late students will be admitted as a group 30 minutes after the official start time. If you arrive late, you are not entitled to extra time beyond the official finish time. You may not commence an exam after the first 30 minutes have elapsed.
- You may not leave the exam room until at least 60 minutes have elapsed. You may only use the paper and cover sheet that the examination invigilator gives you.
- You must take valid photo I.D. with you to the exam. You must also take a pen and eraser unless otherwise stated. You may also take study aids that the examiner permits and that are stated when you register for the exam. You are responsible for ensuring that no other study aids are at your desk when you write the exam. All equipment that enables you to communicate with others is considered a study aid.
- If you need to use the toilet facilities during the exam, you must inform the examination invigilator and also present your I.D. Your absence is noted to be from the time you leave until the time you return to the exam room.
- When you have completed your exam, you must give it to the examination invigilator. The material you hand in must include the cover sheet that shows the anonymity code, the number of pages you are submitting, and the answer pages showing the anonymity code, page number, question number, and course code. The same applies to students who do not answer any questions and who instead hand in what is termed a blank examination. You must fill in all of the above within the official time for the exam. When you hand in your completed exam, you must present valid photo I.D. and sign the name list of examinees.
- You must remove all your material from your desk. It is important that you do not take any material - exam questions, answer sheets, note-taking sheets - from the exam room: you must leave all of it at the designated place. Once you have done this, you must leave the exam room immediately. If you do not stop writing at the end of the exam when told to do so, the examination invigilator will register your exam as late when you hand it in. It is then up to the examiner to decide whether your exam will be marked and graded.
- If there is a fire alarm (or similar), you must vacate the room immediately. The exam will be halted. The examination invigilator will direct you to a location where you must remain until an update is received from emergency services. The examination invigilator will take the list of examinees and any exams that have already been submitted. If possible and if there is no risk of danger, the examination invigilator will also collect exam papers. The examination may not continue after this. Instead, the examination invigilator will contact the teacher in charge and inform them that the examination was halted. A new date for the examination will be announced as soon as possible after this.
Other Applicable Information - Digital Examinations on Campus
- The doors shut 10 minutes before the exam is set to start: there will be no access after this.
- When you have completed the exam, you are to notify the examination invigilator by raising your hand. The examination invigilator will check your I.D. and make sure that the completed exam you submit is in the system. The same applies to students who do not answer any questions and instead hand in a blank examination.
- If you submit your exam after the official time for completion, your exam will be registered as late. The examiner will then decide whether your exam can be marked and graded.
Rules for Online Exams
- No later than 30 minutes before the start of the exam, you must be in the examination room with valid photo I.D. and working equipment. If you are not at your desk 30 minutes before the start, then there is no guarantee you will have the full time to write the exam.
- Ten minutes before the start of the exam, the room will close and you will not be admitted access after this. Students who are not present when the exam starts will be declined the opportunity to take the exam.
- The lighting in your room must be good enough for your face and I.D. to be visible so that the invigilator can ensure correct identification.
- During I.D. checks, the invigilator must create a breakout room where only they can see your face and I.D.
- You must be contactable by phone at all times during the exam.
- There should be nobody else present in the room. If necessary, children below school age can be present.
- You must have an external webcam and, in addition, equipment that is required for both incoming and outgoing audio to function. You must ensure that you can hear the examination invigilator throughout the examination. You must point your camera so that the invigilator sees you and your screen at the same time. You must have at minimum a 13-inch screen.
Rules for Placements (VFU)
The university has the right to terminate a student's placement or equivalent if they are deemed to pose a danger to themself or others by their incompetence. The examiner makes the decision on this.
Unless stated otherwise in the course syllabus, you will receive a grade of Fail if your placement is terminated.
Cheating or Disruptive Behaviour
A student who is found to have unauthorised study aids or who in any other way tries to cheat during an exam is reported for suspected cheating. A student who is disruptive or who refuses to follow the instructions from the room can be told to leave the room by the examination invigilator.