Student Rights and Representation

As a student, you have certain rights and that relate to your studies: these are regulated in decisions made by Dalarna University as well as by government. You also have a say when it comes to your education through various forms of student representation.

Equality and Equal Treatment

Questions of equality and equal treatment are about our everyday actions and behaviour. Regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief system, disability, sexual preference or age, everyone shall be met with respect.

If you feel that you have been the victim of discrimination, bullying or harassment, you can contact a teacher, subject representation, programme director,  or the student counsellor. You can also contact a student representative from the Student Union.

Study and Work Environment for Students

The concept of study and work environment incorporates both the physical environment (premises, equipment and furnishings) and the psychosocial environment (the relations between people who share the physical environment, and the prevailing atmosphere on campus).

If you feel there are problems in this area, contact the Student Union.

Student Union (

Although the person with the utmost responsibility for the study and work environment at the university is the Vice-Chancellor, everyone is responsible for contributing to a positive place to study and work.

Form to report an Incident or Accident (

Student Voice: Active Involvement in Development

As a student, you have a say about your education at Dalarna University, the aim being to develop and increase the quality of every aspect of the organisation. The experiences you have from your study time contribute to this. Your opinions are important and serve to guide the work in this area.

If you are not completely happy with your experiences with us or have ideas that can help us improve in any way, we invite you to let us know.

  • Get involved in the quality development of your courses or programme. Talk with the person who is in charge of your course, field of study or programme.
  • Get involved in the Student Union. By so doing, you can be part of the various decision-making bodies since the Student Union has representatives at various levels of the organisation.
    Student Union (
  • Give your opinion on a course based on your experiences by completing a course evaluation. This is important for quality and development at the university. Evaluations, which are anonymous, are then collected and the results are made accessible to students. Contact your teacher if you want more information.
  • A number of our programmes are reviewed by way of questionnaires and advisory committees.
  • Every second year, the university conducts a student questionnaire that is aimed at all its registered students. It takes up such questions as educational quality, administrative help and campus environment.
  • If you have a personal complaint to make against the university, then you must first contact the person who is directly affected by your complaint. This may be the teacher, programme director, supervisor or examiner. Most often, the problem can be resolved in dialogue at this level.


If you have a personal complaint about your course/programme or Dalarna University, you should in the first instance raise the issue with the individual directly involved. Often this is your course coordinator, programme director, supervisor or examiner. In most cases, the matter can be resolved immediately through this direct contact.

You should also know that you can contact a student representative (studentombud) at Dalarna's Student Union for support and advice. The student representative can act on your behalf if you choose to take the matter further.

Contact Dalarna's Student Union (

If you choose to submit a formal complaint to Dalarna University, you need to use and submit the form provided below. Describe the matter in careful detail and provide your contact details. This will help us both to deal with the matter promptly and to get back to you quickly.

For Dalarna University to be able to look into your case, it needs to handle your personal data. When you submit a formal complaint, you are also giving your consent for this. In place to deal with personal data is the University's case management system, which ensures it is handled according to current data protection regulations. 

Personal data protection (Dalarna University)

In the University’s case management system, your case will be analysed and, where possible, resolved immediately or, where necessary, it will be referred to a case manager.

For more information about complaints procedures at Dalarna University:

More information on students rights

Read more about the rules for students at Swedish state universities in these three documents. Wwhen they refer to "students", they mean at all levels: first cycle (undergraduate) second cycle (graduate) and thrid cycle (doctoral).

Disciplinary Matters

Read detailed information on this subject (cheating, plagiarism) on our Disciplinary Matters webpage.

Disciplinary Matters (Dalarna University)

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