The concept of active lethal violence is becoming ever more relevant in light of events in both Sweden and other countries. What these attacks have in common is that one or more perpetrators attack a location, such as a school, with the aim to randomly injure and kill as many people as possible.
The probability of an attack with deadly violence occurring at Dalarna University is assessed as very low, yet the consequences of such an attack, if one were to occur, are serious. Therefore, it is up to each of us to know what to do in such a situation.
If an attack occurs
In the event of an attack, we advise you to follow these three steps: flee, seek shelter and sound the alarm.
Find a safe place. Leave the area as quickly and safely as possible and avoid crowds.
Seek Shelter
If you cannot leave the area, find a place that you consider safe and that will give you protection. Be observant – look, listen – and try to remain calm. Put your phone on silent and turn off vibration mode. Do not call anyone who may be in the risk area. The mobile signal can reveal a person who is hiding.
Sound the Alarm
When you are safe, call the police: 112. The police need this information: the location, what happened, how many perpetrators you saw, what weapons they used, what they look like and where you last saw them. Warn those in danger and help those in need.
Note the following:
- Do not use your mobile phone unless you must. If the network becomes overloaded, it can be difficult for crucial calls to get through.
- Follow the instructions of the police, fire department and other authorities.
- Do not share unconfirmed information online or in any other way.
- When the police arrive, it may be difficult for them to immediately determine who the perpetrator is and who the victim is; therefore, make sure your hands are empty.
- Be prepared for further attacks.
Preventive Measures
Prepare in advance for such an incident:
- Be sure to note escape routes and emergency exits.
- Do not allow unauthorised people onto premises where access is restricted.
Online Training
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and the police have developed an online course to increase knowledge about how to stay safe and how to help others in a dangerous situation such as a terrorist attack. The course takes 15-30 minutes to complete.
This is how you ought to act in the event of a terrorist attack (