Student Interviews

Each semester, students looking to improve their academic writing skills contact us. Find out about their experiences and about how Language Support helped them achieve their academic goals.

Student Interview - Kseniia

In what way has Language Support helped you improve your academic writing skills?  

– Language Support has been instrumental in improving my academic writing skills, starting from a foundational level. Initially, I lacked understanding about the structure of academic work and general requirements. Language Support effectively guided me through these areas. I reached out for assistance three times: initially with my first writing assignment, subsequently for guidance on thesis writing and defense preparation, and finally for a review of my text. Each interaction helped solidify my understanding and improve my academic writing.

What was the most useful aspect of the assistance you received or the workshop you attended?  

– I found several aspects of the assistance I received to be incredibly useful, making it difficult to choose just one. Firstly, there was a reassuring sense of structure; I discovered that every type of text has a specific structure to adhere to, which provided a feeling of security as I knew exactly what was expected. This knowledge alone greatly enhanced my confidence in writing.

Additionally, I learned about the typical structure of academic texts and encountered various examples of appropriate phrasing. This knowledge was immensely valuable and boosted my confidence further.

Furthermore, I received practical tips on what to scrutinize in my text to ensure it meets academic standards. Knowing which elements to focus on in my own writing has been tremendously helpful.

Moreover, it was enlightening to learn about the importance of considering the reader's perspective as the author, which has profoundly influenced my approach.

Would you recommend Language Support to other students? Why or why not?  

– I would definitely recommend Language Support to other students, particularly if you have any uncertainties about your writing abilities — whether due to having studied in a different language, returning to academics after a long break, or simply lacking confidence in your language skills.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with Language Support?  

– Additionally, it's crucial to manage your time well; if you think you might need support, it’s important to seek it early on. This ensures you receive the assistance you need without rushing, which leads to better outcomes in your writing projects.

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