New Learning Platform at the University

Over the course of the year, the university has worked on changing the learning platform from Learn to Canvas. The transition will soon be completed and by autumn 2024, Canvas will be the only one in use at Dalarna University.

This change may require that you spend a bit of time getting to know the new learning platform. If you are interested in seeing what it’s like, you can access it now on “Canvas for Students”, which contains information, guides, and support. As always, our Support Café is also available to answer your questions.

If you have documents and submissions in Learn that you want access in the future, be sure to download them before August 12, when Learn is shut down.

Remember that you can always find your course and programme rooms on At every course page on the web, there are guest links to course rooms in Canvas. On some programme pages, there are links to program rooms in both Canvas and Learn. The university recommends that you use Canvas in these cases.

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