This news item was published more than six months ago and may no longer be relevant.
On December 18, 2020, the government tightened national restrictions for the Christmas period, and these will remain in place up to and including January 24, 2021. The recommendation is therefore that students continue to study from home. Doors to university buildings and facilities will remain locked up to and including January 24, 2021 to restrict access by the general public. Students will continue to have access using their keycards.
Do you need a keycard? Contact us by telephone on 023-77 80 00 or by email
This means that the University Library on both campuses will be closed to the general public, although students will continue to have access. You can also find most of the library’s services on our website.
If you need help using our digital tools/our learning management systems (Zoom, Learn, Video Chat), contact our support by email or telephone, or on Zoom Supportcafé.