Programme syllabus

Vocational Education Teacher90 Credits

Programme code
Kristina Hagdahl
Johanne Maad
Approved by the Head of School, School of Teacher Education, 20 December 2023.
Valid from Autumn semester 2024.

1. Objectives of the Educational Programme

1.1 Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), Chapter 1, 8 §:

1.2 Degree Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), Appendix 2:

2. Main Structure of the Programme

3. Courses of the Programme

4. Degree Awarded

5. Entry Requirements

  • Qualifying and relevant knowledge in one or more vocational subjects in upper secondary school. For further information of what constitutes qualified and relevant knowledge as specific entry requirements for programmes that lead to a Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education, see the regulations stipulated by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (