Programme syllabus

Master Programme in Economics60 Credits

Programme code
Catia Cialani
Approved by the University Faculty Board, 06 February 2019.
Valid from Autumn semester 2019.

1. Objectives of the Educational Programme

1.1 Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), Chapter 1, 9 §:

Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall be based fundamentally on the knowledge acquired by students during first-cycle courses and study programmes, or its equivalent.

Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall involve the acquisition of specialist knowledge, competence and skills in relation to first-cycle courses and study programmes, and in addition to the requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes shall:

- further develop the ability of students to integrate and make autonomous use of their knowledge
- develop the students‘ ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, and
- develop the students‘ potential for professional activities that demand considerable autonomy, or for research and development work.

1.2 Degree Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), Appendix 2:

Knowledge and Understanding

For a Master of Arts/Science (60 credits) degree the student shall have:
- demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including both an overview of the field and specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work, and
- demonstrated specialised methodological knowledge in the main field of study.

Competence and Skills

For a Master of Arts/Science (60 credits) degree the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information
- demonstrated the ability to identify and formulate issues autonomously as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames
- demonstrated the ability in speech and writing to report clearly and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with different audiences, and
- demonstrated the skills required for participation in research and development work or employment in some other qualified capacity.

Judgement and Approach

For a Master of Arts/Science (60 credits) degree the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work
- demonstrated insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and
- demonstrated the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.

1.3 Objectives of the Programme

Following a successful completion of the programme students shall have attained:

Knowledge and Understanding

- An extended knowledge of theory development and the research frontier of economic analysis applied to tourism and events.

Competence and Skills

- The ability to use relevant methods for calculating and analysing effects of tourism and events.
- The ability to assess the prerequisites and consequences of different strategies for sustainable tourism and events in both a regional and a global perspective.
- The ability to critically observe economic problems, social dilemmas and issues for economic analysis and be able to discuss both in written and oral form these within a context of tourism and events.
- The capacity to formulate adequate research questions which are founded both in theory and method.
- The capacity to collect, handle and analyse empirical data. This also entails the presentation of a thesis in which relevant concepts and theories are elaborated.

Judgement and Approach

- The ability to judge and demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of relevance for data collection, analysis and presentation of tourism and event related research and development projects.

2. Main Structure of the Programme

The program focuses on applied economic analysis of tourism and event. The first semester consist of two mandatory courses and one electable course on the applied topic as well as one mandatory course in methods. The first course in Economics of tourism introduces the relevance for and application of economic analysis in the field of tourism. The course in Econometrics provides the method for empirical analysis. The third ana fourth courses are thought full time of which the mandatory course in Event tourism deepen the knowledge in tourism and events. The fourth course is electable and gives opportunity for either Environmental and resource economics or Economics of leadership.

The second semester consists of one electable course in methods focusing either Welfare economic evaluation of public policy projects or Data collection and data quality, as well as one mandatory course in Advanced Microeconomics which deepens the theoretical knowledge in economic theory. The program ends with a Degree project in Economics

3. Courses of the Programme

Five courses belong to the subject of economics, one course belong to the subject tourism studies. The final course is a master thesis in economics.
Mandatory courses, semester 1:
Event tourism, 7.5 credits (tourism studies)
Economics of tourism, 7.5 credits
Econometrics, 7.5 credits

Semester 1 Students choose one of the following courses:
Economics of global environment, 7,5 credits
Economics of leadership, 7,5 credits, advanced level
Mathematics for statistics, Undergrad level 2, 7,5 credits (rec. for cont. in BI-program)
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Undergraduate Level 1, 7.5 credits (rec. for cont. in BI-program)

Mandatory course, semester 2:
Advanced Microeconomic theory, 7.5 credits

Semester 2, Students choose one of the following courses:
Welfare economic evaluation of public policy projects, 7,5 credits
Data Collection and Data Quality, Advanced Level 1, 7.5 credits

The program ends with
Master thesis (Degree project (II)), 15 credits

4. Degree Awarded

Filosofie magisterexamen, huvudområde: Nationalekonomi (Degree of Master of Science [60 Credits], Main Field of Study: Economics)
Ekonomie magisterexamen, huvudområde: Nationalekonomi (Degree of Master of Science [60 Credits] in Business and Economics, Main Field of Study: Economics)

The degree includes 60 ECTS credits.

5. Required Entry Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree comprising at least 180 credits, Main Field of Study: Economics and Data and Statistics, first cycle level 1, 7,5 credits or equivalent knowledge Documented language proficiency knowledge equivalent to English B/English 6 at Swedish upper secondary school.

6. Other Information

Students who wish to continue with a two year Master program at Dalarna university (for example in Tourism studies or Business Intelligence) has the option, after successfully meeting the entry requirements and getting admitted to the program, to continue with two more theoretical courses during the second semester instead of writing the Master thesis.