Programme syllabus

Postgraduate Programme In Care For Older People60 Credits

Programme code
Anna Swall
Approved by the Head of School, School of Health and Welfare, 09 January 2023.
Valid from Autumn semester 2022.

1. Objectives of the Educational Programme

1.1 Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), Chapter 1, 9 §:

1.2 Degree Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), Appendix 2:

1.3 Objectives of the Programme

2. Main Structure of the Programme

3. Courses of the Programme

4. Degree Awarded

5. Required Entry Qualifications

  • Of Welfare issued Swedish nursing, and bachelor‘s degree of 180 credits with at least 90 credits in the subject of nursing / health sciences including 15 credits consist of a thesis. In addition, professional activities of nurses at least 12 months full-time service