Bibliography for:
Approved 14 Jun 2024

Teaching, Learning and Leadership for Teachers, Upper Secondary School (incl 7.5 credits Placement) (GPG326)

H3HXB (Autumn 2024, 50%, Day, Distance, Falun, Round 1, ORD)


Reference literature

  • Dimenäs, J., & Taflin, E. (2018). Teaching in action: A model to understand the complexity of teachers´decisions in teaching mathematics. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Literature, 4(1), 10-24. Retrieved from http://du.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1248625/FULLTEXT01.pdf. ISSN: 2208-2441
  • Jensen, E., & Løw, O. (Eds.). (2011). Pedagogiskt ledarskap: om att skapa goda relationer i klassrummet (1st ed.). Malmö: Gleerups utbildning. ISBN: 9789140672384
    Book / Anthology
  • Liberg, C., Lundgren, U. P., & Säljö, R. (Eds.). (2017). Lärande, skola, bildning (Fjärde utgåvan, reviderad). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur. ISBN: 9789127818408
    Book / Anthology
  • Wallsten, L., & Morberg, Å. (2018). Akademisk essä: introduktion och skrivhandledning (1st ed.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144127071
    Book / Anthology