Bibliography for:
Approved 19 Jun 2024

Political Participation (GSK2PN)

H3J8M (Autumn 2024, 100%, Day, Distance, Falun, Round 2, ORD)


  • Abdelzadeh, A., & Lundberg, E. (2022). Det demokratiska utanförskapets geografi. In Betänkande av kommittén Demokratin 100 år – samling för en stark demokrati (1st ed., pp. 34-61). Stockholm: Elanders. Retrieved from https://www.regeringen.se/contentassets/1c02dd0d709648efa9828697dcef1f97/var-demokrati--vard-att-varna-varje-dag.-volym-2-antologin-100-ar-till-sou-202228.pdf.
    Chapter in book
  • Almeida, P. (2019). Social movements : the structure of collective mobilization (2nd ed.). Oakland, California: University of California Press. ISBN: 9780520290914
    Book / Anthology
  • Dalton, R. J. (2017). Participation gap : social status and political inequality (1st ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780198733607
    Book / Anthology
  • Ekman, J., & Amnå, E. (2012). Political participation and civic engagement: Towards a new typology. Human Affairs, 22(3), 283-300. DOI: 10.2478/s13374-012-0024-1
  • Hagevi, M. (Ed.). (2019). Partier och partisystem (Andra upplagan). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144128122
    Book / Anthology
  • Teorell, J. (2006). Political participation and three theories of democracy: A research inventory and agenda. European Journal of Political Research, 45(5), 787-810. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2006.00636.x
  • Uba, K., & Jansson, J. (2023). Politiskt deltagande : val, partier och protester (1st ed.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144153469
    Book / Anthology