Bibliography for:
Approved 20 May 2024

Italian A: Text Analysis, a Literary Journey in Northern Italy (GIT2TH)

H3JN4 (Autumn 2024, 25%, Evening, Distance, Falun, Round 2, ORD)


  • Perissinotto, A. (2013). Le colpe dei padri (senaste). Milano: Piemme. ISBN: 9788856625363
    Book / Anthology
  • Scerbanenco, G. (2014). milanesi ammazzano al sabato (1st ed.). Milano: Garzanti. ISBN: 9788811687788
    Book / Anthology
  • Verasani, G. (2014). Mare d'inverno (1st ed.). Firenze, Italia: Giunti. ISBN: 9788809791022
    Book / Anthology
  • Extra material is provided during the course in the virtual course room.