Bibliography for:
Approved 17 Nov 2023

English III: Focus on Linguistics (EN2043)

V3HBV (Spring 2024, 100%, Day, Distance, Falun, Round 2, ORD)


Course modules

1. Bachelor Degree Thesis in Linguistics
  • Wray, A., & Bloomer, A. (2012). Projects in Linguistics and Language Studies: A Practical Guide to Researching Language. (3rd ed.). London: Hodder Arnold.
    Book / Anthology
  • Övrig litteratur väljs i samråd med handledaren. / Other literature is chosen in cooperation with the thesis supervisor.
2. Introduction to Linguistic Method
  • Litosseliti, L. (2018). Research methods in linguistics (2nd ed.). London/New York: Bloomsbury.
    Book / Anthology
  • Övrig litteratur om cirka 120 sidor tillkommer. / Additional reading amounting to approximately 120 pages.
3. Social Variation, Language Contact and Power in English
  • Coupland, N., & Jaworski, A. (2009). The New Sociolinguistics Reader Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Book / Anthology
  • Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., et al. (2009). Introducing Sociolinguistics Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Book / Anthology
4. English Corpus Linguistics
  • Lindquist, H., & Levin, M. (2018). Corpus linguistics and the description of English (2nd ed.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Book / Anthology
  • McEnery, T., Richard, X., & Yukio, T. (2006). Corpus-based language studies: An advanced resource book London/New York: Routledge.
    Book / Anthology
  • Utöver ovanstående litteratur tillkommer ytterligare ett urval texter (ca 120 sidor). / An additional selection of texts will be added to the above literature (circa 120 pages).