Application: Later Stage of a Programme

You apply to later stage in a programme if you want to continue to study a programme that you have started at Dalarna university or another university. If you have previously taken courses and want to enroll in a programme, you can apply to later stage in a programme.

What is Later Stage of a Programme?

Application to later stage of a programme is possible if you have started a programme at Dalarna university or another university and wish to continue or complete your studies at Dalarna university. If you have discontinued your studies without having an approved leave from studies and wish to resume your studies in the programme, you need to apply for admission to later stage of programme. It is also possible to apply to later stage of a programme if you have previously taken freestanding courses and want to enroll in a programme.

How to apply

Programmes available for applications to later stage are published on this webpage. You apply for the programme you wish to be admitted to later stage of via the link under Application. Applications are made through and in accordance with the set dates for admission rounds.

Admission to a later stage of a programme is only possible between semesters, and only if there are places available. All programes will close for application after the application deadline.

Use the "Apply" button on this page to make your application. You must have submitted a complete application by the application deadline. After we have reviewed and assessed your application and documents, we will determine which academic semester we can offer you a place in the programme. You cannot request to be admitted to a specific academic semester.

For more information about applications and dates, please see

Eligibility and Selection

To be admitted to a later stage of a programme, you must meet the general and specific entry requirements for the first semester of the programme. You must also have completed courses corresponding with the previous semester or semesters of the programme. The webpage of the programme you are interested in will specify the entry requirements in detail for that programme.

If there are more applicants than there are places, a selection process will be made. The selection is based on the total number of completed credits you have on the day of the application deadline. Dalarna University's students have priority to later stage of a programme.

Programmes only available for students at Dalarna University

Certain programmes at Dalarna University are only open for applications from former or current Dalarna University students. If you are not a former or current Dalarna University student and you apply for one of the programmes listed below, then your application will unfortunately be rejected.

List of autumn semester 2025 programmes open to Dalarna University students only. Note that all the programmes on the list are offered only in Swedish .

  • Digital Services - Higher Education Diploma Programme
  • Graphic Design and Web Development - Bachelor´s Programme
  • IT security and software testing programme - Bachelor of science
  • Nursing Programme
  • Postgraduate Programme in Midwifery
  • Programme in Business Administration
  • Supplementary Teacher Education Programme for Secondary School (50% and 100%)
  • Supplementary Teacher Education Programme for Upper Secondary School (50% and 100%)
  • System Science Programme
  • Vocational Education Teacher (50% and 100%)
  • Entrepreneurial Business
  • Sport management programme
  • Master Program in Educational Work


We need to be able to assess your previous education at other higher education institutions. In order for us to be able to do this, you need to upload documentation to as part of your application. The documentation must be uploaded before the application deadline. If you make a late application the documentation must be uploaded as soon as possible. If your documentation is incomplete, we will not be able to process your application, and you will not be eligible.

  • The course syllabus for each of the university level courses you have previously taken as well as any courses you are currently studying.
  • The programme syllabus if you are currently enrolled in a programme.
  • A list of course literature for each of the university level courses you have previously taken as well as any courses you are currently studying.
  • Other documents that you would like to refer to as part of your application.

You do not need to upload documentation for courses previously taken at Dalarna University.

Assesment of previous studies

After you have applied to Later Stage of Programme you may be contacted by the programme director and asked to fill in a form explaining how your previous studies match the courses in the programme you have applied to. The document is used by the programme director as a basis for the assessment of your application. If you are admitted to Later Stage of Programme, the document can also be used as a basis for an ISP (Individual Study Plan). The ISP is a compilation of what you need to study in order to be awarded a degree.

Individual study plan and credit transfer

If you are admitted to later stage of a programme you must contact the programme manager to plan your studies.

You will also have to apply for transfer of credits from previous studies. Please note that admission to later stage in a programme dos not automatically mean that all your credits from previous studies may be transferred.


Below you find a list of programmes that are open, or will open, for application to later stage of programme. Please note that the list may not be complete if the admission round is not open.

Click on the arrow to the right of the programme you are interested in applying to in order to see the Apply-button.

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