If you are granted a leave, you retain your place in the programme or course. You have guaranteed admission to the semester following your leave, provided Dalarna University still offers the programme or course and that the syllabus has not been updated.
When you apply for a study break you need to state which semester you wish to resume your studies. You need to apply to the course or programme via Antagning.se/UniversityAdmissions.se during the application period for the guaranteed admission to be valid. You can normally only be granted a pause from studies for a maximum of 18 months.
Reasons to be granted an approved leave from studies
You need to provide a reason as to why you are requesting a leave from your studies, in order to be granted a leave. Accepted reasons are for example social and medical reasons, parental leave, student union work, military service or civilian service.
You always need to support your application with relevant documentation, e.g. certificates or a personal letter. If you have been admitted to a programme, but have not yet registered, you should instead apply for a deferment of commencement of studies.
Dalarna University follows the guidelines and recommendation of the Swedish Council of Higher Education (UHR) concerning approved leave from studies. These guidelines and recommendations, UHRFS 2013:3.
Information for fee-paying students who apply for approved leave from studies
If you have a student residence permit in Sweden and are granted an approved pause from studies, the Swedish Migration Agency may revoke your residence permit or deny your request to extend a future permit.
It is important to know that a granted study break does not reduce the number of credits you need to complete in order to be granted an extension of your residence permit for studies
You must pay your tuition fee for the semester before you can be granted an approved leave from your studies. If you are granted an approved leave, the tuition fee is not refunded.
Resuming your studies
You need to make an application via Antagning.se well in advance when you are planning to resume your studies. It is very important that your application is made on time for the upcoming semester for your guaranteed admission to be valid.
Please contact Dalarna University well in advance in order to be informed about any changes in the course or programme syllabus.
If you are admitted to a programme and discontinue your studies without having made a formal request for an approved leave from studies, you will lose your guaranteed admission to courses included in the programme. If this is the case, you will only be able to register to the courses if there still are places available.
The same thing applies if you have been granted an approved leave from your studies, but do not follow the instructions given in the decision.
Non-completion of studies
More information on how to discontinue a course or programme can be found on the page for non-completion of studies.