Course AJP27C

Intercultural Literature Studies: Master‘s Degree Thesis

30 Credits
Second Cycle

Main field of study: Intercultural Literature Studies

The course has no instances planned right now

Learning outcomes for the course

On completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • describe in-depth methodological and theoretical knowledge and insights into current research issues, within the field of intercultural literature studies
  • integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and manage complex phenomena and issues
  • independently search, collect, evaluate, and critically interpret and analyse relevant information to a particular question
  • carry out, within a set time frame, an independent study about literature that is of high academic value and that has a connection to research, and a clear method and theory, as well as argumentation that has a basis in informed text analyses
  • in both written and oral form, while demonstrating sound communication skills, present and support both their results and the knowledge and arguments that form the basis of their conclusions
  • critically analyse and discuss the academic work of others by providing a constructive response.