Course AKG27R

Management and Interpretation of Cultural Heritage Sites

7.5 Credits
Second Cycle

Starts week 36, 2025

This course recognizes that heritage has become increasingly important as a resource in the context of local and regional development including tourism ventures. The course deals with heritage as a complex concept which can be understood and used in different situations both to boost the attractiveness of places as well as to contribute to a particular identity. The course also examines the ability to decipher processes of change affecting places and regions through landscape analysis, especially regarding an understanding of agrarian and industrial heritage.
Furthermore, heritage as a basis for developing sustainable tourism products will be covered in the course. Management aspects of heritage will de discussed, as well as how heritage, including interpretative writing and storytelling, plays an increasing role in the experience economy.
Starts and ends:
week 36, 2025 - week 45, 2025
Study Rate:
Time of Day:
Teaching form:
P: Course only offered as part of programme.
Entry Qualifications :
  • A Bachelors degree in either Human Geography, Business Administration and Management, Tourism Studies and English 6
Selection :
Guaranteed admission
Application Code:
Main field of study:
Tuition Fee
First Tuition Fee Installment:
12,000 SEK
Total Tuition Fee:
12,000 SEK
EU/EEA Citizens or exchange students are not required to pay fees.
Information on application and tuition fees:
Application no later: 15 April
Literature List

Literature lists are published at the latest one month ahead of the course start date.

To Literature List
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