Course EG4001

Degree Thesis in Solar Energy Engineering

30 Credits
Second Cycle

Main field of study: Solar Energy Engineering

The course has no instances planned right now

Learning outcomes for the course

The goal of the thesis work is for students to apply and develop in-depth knowledge of solar energy technology by conducting a work comprising five months of fulltime study of a research or industrial nature. The student should acquire a deeper methodological knowledge of the subject. More specifically, the student will be able to:
  • show substantially more in-depth knowledge and understanding of current research and development in one or more of the following areas: technologies and systems for solar heating or solar electricity; solar energy technologies that are integrated into buildings for lower and more efficient energy use; measurement or calculation of insolation
  • identify his/her need of further knowledge and take responsibility for his/her knowledge development
  • critically and systematically identify, integrate and apply this knowledge of solar technology for the planning, execution and reporting of the thesis work
  • contribute to the development of knowledge in the chosen field of thesis work
  • critically, independently and creatively identify and formulate qualified questions and goals with clear limitations in the thesis work
  • choose appropriate methods, and give reason for the choice of methodology and explain its strengths and weaknesses
  • work with reliability in empirical data or computations
  • critically and systematically analyze and evaluate the results obtained in the thesis work
  • complete the work within specified timeframes
  • report in both oral and written form the thesis work, and present conclusions that correspond to initial research questions and objectives in the thesis