Course EN3062

World Literatures in English

7.5 Credits
Second Cycle

Starts week 14, 2025

The course deals with World Literatures in English from the 1960s to the present. It comprises the critical study of a selection of representative literary works from countries and geographical entities that have been profoundly influenced by the complex processes of Colonialism and Post-Colonialism, such as Australia, India, the Caribbean, New Zeeland, Canada etc. These texts are analysed in the light of contemporary literary and cultural theories, particularly those that specifically elucidate experiences relating to hybridity, liminality, transculturality and paradigms of personal, political and cultural identities. In the course, the Colonial experience as a social, historical and global phenomenon serves as a central concept and starting point from which to explore the literature produced in such regions and how it engages with notions such as violence, freedom, collective and individual trauma, nostalgia, and definitions of national identities. The students familiarize themselves with some of the ways in which such literature has interrogated the complexity of the colonial experience and reflects contemporary questions relating to the weakening of national boundaries in an increasingly globalised age. They also become aware of ways in which such literary texts have been debated in scholarly criticism over the last few decades.

The course includes mandatory online meetings, which take place in a virtual classroom at specific times. No physical meetings on campus are included.

Starts and ends:
week 14, 2025 - week 23, 2025
Study Rate:
Flexible (Falun)
Time of Day:
Teaching form:
Entry Qualifications :
  • 90 credits in the subject of English, of which 30 credits on Undergraduate level 2
Selection :
Higher education credits (30-285 credits)
Application Code:
Main field of study:
Online Education
Compulsory meetings:
0 physical
Computer Skills:

Surf on the Internet, read and send emails, use a word-processing programme (e.g. Word). Connect a camera and headphones to the computer and install a programme using instructions.

Computer Capacity:

Access to a computer (Not a mini pc, tablet or similar) that is not older than three years (or equivalent) and broadband connection, at least 1 Mbit/s (not mobile broadband, because mobile broadband can vary considerably in speed).

Means of Education:

Higher rate of web-based communication where our learning platform (Learn/Canvas) is a natural element of the course. Web-based meetings with sound and image where simple presentations can be held. Lectures can be broadcast live or can alternatively be made available afterwards online.

Tuition Fee
First Tuition Fee Installment:
10,875 SEK
Total Tuition Fee:
10,875 SEK
EU/EEA Citizens or exchange students are not required to pay fees.
Information on application and tuition fees:
Open for late application
Literature List

Literature lists are published at the latest one month ahead of the course start date.

To Literature List
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Ask us about studying at Dalarna University.
+46 23-77 80 00

Course room in Canvas

In the learning platform Canvas you can find more information about the course.

Visit the course room
Course Coordinator