Doctoral Course FHV0002

Systematic Review, Meta-Synthesis and Meta-Analysis

7.5  Credits
Third Cycle

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Learning outcomes for the course

The overarching aim is to provide knowledge on the methodologies and appraisal of quantitative, qualitative and integrative/mixed-methods systematic reviews. 

On course completion, the doctoral student should be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
• demonstrate knowledge about the purpose and value of conducting systematic reviews
• demonstrate knowledge about systematic review methodology which includes identifying scientific literature, quality appraisal, synthesizing data and assessment of review findings
• explain the possibilities, challenges, and limitations of systematic reviews and how they can be used to inform clinical practice, policy and future research

Competence and Skills
• construct and undertake a pilot search of a relevant search strategy for an intended review question(s)
• identify appropriate databases for literature searches
• apply systematic review methodology to develop a protocol for a quantitative, qualitative or integrative (mixed-methods) systematic review

Judgement and Approach
• formulate a research aim and question(s) suitable for a systematic review
• present and defend own protocol for a systematic review
• appraise and critique other students work