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Learning outcomes for the course
The general aim of the course is to provide doctoral students with knowledge of theoretical frameworks, designs, methods and factors that are important for research on the implementation of evidence-based methods, practices and policy.
On course completion, the doctoral student shall be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
• describe the frameworks and theories relevant to implementation research
• describe factors of importance in implementation and implementation research, such as the characteristics of the evidence-based methods, practices or policy to be implemented, the context and recipients, as well as methods and strategies to support implementation
• demonstrate knowledge about study designs and methods for studying different research issues in implementation
Competence and Skills
• apply their knowledge of implementation and implementation research by designing a research plan with research questions, study design, methods and procedures and with a theoretical base in implementation science
Judgement and Approach
• critically review, evaluate and reflect on the choice of research questions, study design, methods and procedures in implementation studies
• assess and give reason for the choice of research questions, study design, method and procedures in an implementation research plan
• identify and assess ethical issues related to implementation research