Course GTR296

Management and Marketing of Experiences

7.5 Credits
First Cycle

Starts week 41, 2025

This course will develop the students‘ understanding of, and ability to develop, experiences in a tourism context. The fundamental difference between touristic products, services and experiences will be explored as a starting point. Tourism and tourism experiences will highlight experiences as essentially co-constructed outcomes between tourists themselves and others. The role of construction is further explored by considering the role design in converting tourists‘ experiences to meaningful experiences and how these link to positive memories. The role of meaningful tourist experiences are central to personal transformation, and as such are discussed and suggested as a means to mediate individual behaviors. The discussion then turns to the potential of meaningful and transformative experiences in dealing with issues of sustainability. The course concludes by exploring the implications of present and future technologies on the future of tourist experiences.
Starts and ends:
week 41, 2025 - week 45, 2025
Study Rate:
Time of Day:
Teaching form:
P: Course only offered as part of programme.
Entry Qualifications :
  • 30 credits within the program International Tourism Management
Selection :
Guaranteed admission
Application Code:
Main field of study:
Tuition Fee
First Tuition Fee Installment:
12,000 SEK
Total Tuition Fee:
12,000 SEK
EU/EEA Citizens or exchange students are not required to pay fees.
Information on application and tuition fees:
Application no later: 15 April
Literature List

Literature lists are published at the latest one month ahead of the course start date.

To Literature List
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