Course RK2038

Human Rights and the Critique of its Normative Foundation, Application and Universalization

7.5 Credits
First Cycle

Starts week 46, 2025

After the course the student should be able to:
  • describe and compare different critical and theoretical problematizations regarding human rights
  • apply critical and theoretical approaches concerning human rights on a selection of historical and contemporary contexts
  • problematize how structural power work in relations between various groups in society
  • identify and critically analyze possible conflicts between different right claims as well as between various discursive usages of human rights
  • contribute to a dialogue on human rights in a perceptive, nuanced and well-founded way.


The course includes mandatory teaching occasions (for example seminars, group assignments and/or supervision) that are either online or on campus, depending on the form of study of the particular course. More information is given by the course coordinator.

Starts and ends:
week 46, 2025 - week 3, 2026
Study Rate:
Flexible (Borlänge)
Time of Day:
Teaching form:
Entry Qualifications :
  • 60 credits within history, religious studies, sociology, political science or international relations, and English 6. Exemption from Swedish can be given.
Selection :
Higher education credits (1-165 credits)
Application Code:
Main field of study:
Online Education
Compulsory meetings:
0 physical
Computer Skills:

Surf on the Internet, read and send emails, use a word-processing programme (e.g. Word). Connect a camera and headphones to the computer and install a programme using instructions.

Computer Capacity:

Access to a computer (Not a mini pc, tablet or similar) that is not older than three years (or equivalent) and broadband connection, at least 1 Mbit/s (not mobile broadband, because mobile broadband can vary considerably in speed).

Means of Education:

Higher rate of web-based communication where our learning platform (Learn/Canvas) is a natural element of the course. Web-based meetings with sound and image where simple presentations can be held. Lectures can be broadcast live or can alternatively be made available afterwards online.

Tuition Fee
First Tuition Fee Installment:
12,000 SEK
Total Tuition Fee:
12,000 SEK
EU/EEA Citizens or exchange students are not required to pay fees.
Information on application and tuition fees:
Application no later: 15 April
Literature List

Literature lists are published at the latest one month ahead of the course start date.

To Literature List
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Ask us about studying at Dalarna University.
+46 23-77 80 00

Course Coordinator