
Care in Childbirth I, Clinical Practice

9 Credits
Second Cycle
School of Health and Welfare
Subject field
Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health (SRP)
Group of Subjects
Nursing Science
Disciplinary Domain
Health Science, 75%
Medicine, 25%
This course can be included in the following main field(s) of study
Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal Health1
Progression indicator within (each) main field of study
Approved, 16 June 2022.
This syllabus is valid from 16 June 2022.

Learning Outcomes

The overall objective of the course is that the student should be able to apply, extend and integrate their theoretical and clinical knowledge in sexual, reproductive and perinatal health based on the midwifery profession and research area in maternity care.

After completing the course students should be able to
  • critically reflect on concepts, theories and perspectives to promote good health care in maternity care,
  • actively participate in the care of women with normal pregnancy before, during and after the expected normal childbirth, and demonstrate the ability to identify deviations from the normal progression,
  • provide support, advice and assurance to the woman and relatives based on identified needs,
  • care for the healthy neonate and identify deviations from the normal course,
  • support early parental contact and breastfeeding,
  • use medical technology in the field while maintaining patient safety,
  • transfer relevant information about the individual woman and child, and document care in accordance with regulations
  • demonstrate the ability to establish good communication with patients and colleagues,
  • show good judgment in assessment and application of knowledge as well as understanding of patients and family members‘ situation
  • discuss and reflect on personal professional development as a midwife.

Course Content

The course includes studies regarding clinical and theoretical knowledge associated with normal pregnancy and expected uncomplicated childbirth. The course also includes identifying and meeting the woman‘s, her partner‘s and newborn child‘s care needs in relation to and in connection with childbirth. Moreover, to implement practical hand grips, relevant assessment methods and medical management during labor under the mentoring ofa professional supervisor. Also included in this course is the assessment of the woman‘s, the healthy newborn child‘s and relative‘s need of support and security and to provide adequate counseling, and also to make observations of normal and abnormal conditions before, during and after childbirth. Training is provided in planning and taking action in response to observations made and evaluate provided care, and to document care in accordance with laws and regulations.


The course is examined through continuous assessment of student performance in clinical education and a seminar where an written assignment is discussed.

Forms of Study

The working methods consist of clinical training in obstetric care, individual work, work in tutorial groups, lectures and seminars.


The Swedish grades U–G.

Score is reported as:
  • Clinical education, 8.5 credits.
  • Seminar, 0.5 credits.


  • A Bachelor´s degree comprising at least 180 credits, with a major in Caring science or Nursing as well as the courses Profession, Theory and Method, 7.5 credits, Sexual and Reproductive Health, 9 credits, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum Care, 7.5 credits and Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum Care, 7.5 credits

Other Information

If a student does not achieve the learning objectives of the clinical courses/course element within the regular timeframe, the examiner may decide to extend the internship period by two weeks. This can be done provided that the examiner determines that the student through the extension of time has the opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes and provided that the
extension time is practically feasible. At the end of the extension time, a new assessment of student performance is conducted. If the student has still not achieved the learning outcomes, the score of U will be set, which means that the placement can only be reexamined by redoing a full clinical placement period. Students have the right to carry a total of three clinical periods. The possibility of extended time only applies to regular placement periods. The regular time count as one (1) period, although the extension of two weeks occurred. Students can be failed prematurely during a clinical course / course element, if the student exhibits deficiencies in knowledge, skills and/or attitudes that is posing a significant risk for physical or mental harm to other persons. The student must then suspend their clinical training and gets the grade U on the course/course element. The decision of premature rejection is taken by the examiner after consultation with the clinical supervisor and clinical teacher or equivalent. In connection with such a decision, an individual development plan for the student shall be prepared by the examiner after consultation with the student as well as program and course coordinator in the instiution. The development plan shall specify the knowledge, skills and attitudes the student needs to acquire for receiving permission to resume the clinical studies. The development plan shall also include a specified time for assessment of the needed competence requested. If the student at that time is not deemed to have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes a new time for a new evaluatn should be decided. The same rules apply as above regarding the number of periods.