
German: Language, Media and AI

7.5 Credits
Second Cycle
School of Language, Literatures and Learning
Subject field
German (TYA)
This course can be included in the following main field(s) of study
Progression indicator within (each) main field of study
Approved, 13 November 2024.
This syllabus is valid from 13 November 2024.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • reflect on the influence of digital media on the linguistic design of different forms of communication based on different theoretical perspectives
  • problematise the concept of text in a digital context
  • reflect on the importance of AI-generated texts for writing and communication
  • describe text-typical and linguistic features in AI-generated texts
  • orally and in writing analyse, assess and critically review their own and others’ linguistic arguments and investigations based on their scholarly and ethical possibilities, limitations and consequences for society at large
  • critically review and assess the use of AI-based tools from an ethical perspective and a sustainability perspective.

Course Content

In the course students explore the interaction in digital media and with AI-based tools, with a particular focus on how language users are affected.A central question that the course raise is how the text concept changes in sync with this technological development. Digital media and AI-based tools are reshaping the way we create, distribute and interpret texts, which is blurring the lines between traditional text formats and new, interactive text forms. This change is studied and analysed in detail by applying different theoretical perspectives. In the course, different text types are examined with relevant methods for linguistic design and communication function. How digital media affects the role of text and its conceptual boundaries is analysed.


  • Active participation in seminars
  • Written assignments


The grading scale used for the final course grade is U–VG.

Grades are reported as follows:

  • German: Language, Media and AI - 7.5 Credits | U–VG

Entry Requirements

  • 90 credits in the main field of study German, including German Literature and Literary Theory, 7.5 credits, German: The Development of Modern German Linguistics, 7.5 credits and German: Degree Thesis, 15 credits

Other Information

This course overlaps the course German: Language and new media, 7.5 credits.

This course cannot be counted towards the same degree along with courses that have equivalent content.

If the student has received a decision/recommendation granting study support from Dalarna University because of a disability, then the examiner has the right to offer an alternative examination arrangement. The examiner takes into account the objectives in the course syllabus when deciding whether the examination can be adapted in accordance with the decision/recommendation.