- Energy Technology 5 credits First cycle Level
- Building services technology 7,5 credits first cycle level
- Building Project Large Buildings, 7,5 credits First Cycle Level
- Sustainable development, 5 credits First Cycle Level
- Project Methodology, 5 credits First Cycle Level 1 or equivalent knowledge
Summary in English
The course focus is on energy efficient measures for buildings, with special attention given to applications in cold climates. The first task is to draw up an Energy Declaration for a building according to Swedish building norms. Afterwards, energy performance simulations are conducted by various programmes to investigate the effects of implementing energy efficient measures. Seminars will be held to discuss how renovation for improved energy efficiency may affect an economy, indoor climate and global climate change, and a lifecycle perspective is introduced. Each student investigates one energy efficiency measure in particular and gives an oral presentation about his/her findings in front of the class. After the course the student shall be able to discuss the pros and cons of building concepts like Near Zero Energy Buildings and Passive Houses.