
English: Introduction to Theories and Methodologies of Literary Criticism

7.5 Credits
First Cycle
School of Language, Literatures and Learning
Subject field
English (ENA)
This course can be included in the following main field(s) of study
Progression indicator within (each) main field of study
Approved, 13 January 2025.
This syllabus is valid from 13 January 2025.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • explain a selection of representative theoretical schools, their key concepts, premises and associated methodological approaches
  • explain the development of different theoretical schools in their historical, disciplinary and socio-cultural contexts
  • critically discuss the differences in methodological approaches associated with different theoretical schools
  • analyse literary texts in English using key theoretical concepts and adequate methodological procedures, in a clear and appropriate academic English.

Course Content

This course is an introduction to the study of a selection of literary theories and their associated methodologies of literary criticism from the turn of the twentieth century to the present. Students will examine and reflect upon representative theoretical schools, key concepts and associated methodologies for the scholarly analysis of literary texts in English. Emphasis will be placed on the practical methodological application of these theories on a selection of literary texts. The course is also aimed at providing students with the necessary foundation in literary theory and methodology of literary criticism that is required to write a bachelor’s degree thesis in literature.


  • Active participation in seminars
  • Written assignments
  • Independently written paper
  • Oral presentations


The grading scale used for the final course grade is U–VG.

Grades are reported as follows:

  • Introduction to Theories and Methodologies of Literary Criticism - 7.5 Credits | U–VG

Entry Requirements

  • 52.5 credits in the main field of study English, of which 22.5 credits in English II (G1F level)

Other Information

This course overlaps the course Literature and Theory, 7.5 credits.

This course cannot be counted towards the same degree along with courses that have equivalent content.

If the student has received a decision/recommendation granting study support from Dalarna University because of a disability, then the examiner has the right to offer an alternative examination arrangement. The examiner takes into account the objectives in the course syllabus when deciding whether the examination can be adapted in accordance with the decision/recommendation.