
French I for Teacher Education Students

30 Credits
First Cycle
School of Language, Literatures and Learning
Subject field
French (FRA)
This course can be included in the following main field(s) of study
Progression indicator within (each) main field of study
Approved, 13 November 2024.
This syllabus is valid from 13 November 2024.

Learning Outcomes

The aim of the course is for students to develop basic knowledge of French and about French-language culture and literature, as they prepare for their future professional role as language teacher. A further overall aim is that students develop independence in their studies and the ability to reflect on their learning.


Oral Language Proficiency, 5.5 Credits

This module aims to develop students’ skills in communicating in spoken French.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • describe the most common concepts from elementary phonetics
  • describe the characteristics of French language sounds and the prosody of French
  • understand and use phonetic transcription (IPA)
  • understand proper spoken French
  • communicate orally in everyday contexts using acceptable pronunciation
  • demonstrate basic knowledge of presentation techniques and apply them in oral presentations
  • reflect on the importance of phonetics for language learning.

Written Language Proficiency I, 7.5 Credits

The module aims to develop students’ ability to communicate in written French.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • describe and apply the most common grammatical concepts in various forms of linguistic analysis
  • use basic French grammar correctly in their written texts, such as a simple text in proper French or a summary of a newspaper article
  • use basic French vocabulary
  • demonstrate an awareness of and apply basic patterns in the structure of French
  • translate shorter texts, for example, a newspaper article, from Swedish to French
  • reflect on the role of grammar in language teaching.

Culture and Society, 5.5 Credits

This module aims to develop students’ basic knowledge of France and the French-speaking world.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • explain the concept of ”la francophonie” and its significance
  • describe geographical aspects and characteristics of France and the French-speaking world
  • explain and discuss events and aspects of the history of France and the French-speaking world from 1945 until the present day
  • explain and discuss some important aspects of culture and politics in present-day French society and the French-speaking world
  • understand and use information technology as a source of knowledge and as a resource for language learning
  • discuss what culture in language teaching can mean.

French Literature I: From 1900 to Today, 5.5 Credits

This module aims to develop students’ knowledge of modern literature in French.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • read and interpret a selection of literary texts
  • analyse fictional texts using basic literary concepts
  • describe, both orally and in writing, the most important authors, genres, movements, trends and currents in literature in French from the 20th and 21st centuries
  • demonstrated a level of independence in their studies and reflect on their learning
  • reflect on the use of literary texts in language teaching.

Language Learning and Teaching 1A, 6 Credits

This module aims to give students an introduction to language didactics. The module provides a theoretical basis and complements the content of the other modules in preparation for students’ future professional role as langauge teacher.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • discuss how the position of foreign languages in school and society has developed historically and is debated in the present day
  • explain central language-learning theories and discuss their importance for language teaching
  • describe the school’s governing documents with a particular focus on the syllabuses and subject curricula for modern languages
  • in Swedish, discuss and reflect on language didactic issues relating to the selection of teaching materials and working methods in relation to the target group and the school’s governing documents.

Language Learning and Teaching 1B, 6 Credits

The aim of this module is for students to consolidate and deepen their language didactic knowledge and skills, and to develop familiarity with language teaching in primary and secondary school. The module also aims to increased awareness of pupils’ general and specific requirements for language learning. A further aim is for students to develop their ability to relate their other language studies to a professional perspective as language teacher.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • discuss content and working methods for teaching with regard to the target group, the school’s governing documents and relevant research based on pupils’ need for knowledge and individual conditions for learning
  • discuss and decide on central language learning theories based on relevant and current research as well as their own experiences of language teaching
  • discuss and explain relevant assessments of pupils’ oral and written performances based on different theories of assessment and the school’s governing documents
  • discuss culture in language teaching, use different sources and critically decide on different interpretations of the concept of culture and intercultural competence.

Language Learning and Teaching 2A, 6 Credits

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • reflect on pupils’ views on and experiences of their language learning and discuss how language teaching should be designed to benefit pupils’ language development based on theories and research on foreign language learning
  • discuss assessment in language teaching based on the school’s governing documents and theories on assessment
  • explain the background to the school’s governing document with a focus on European cooperation and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
  • discuss and reflect on the interplay between internal and external factors that are linked to the student, the teacher and the concrete teaching situation and how these can be addressed by choosing content and relevant working methods in language teaching
  • analyse and critically review teaching materials for teaching French as a foreign language from a language didactic perspective and in relation to the school’s governing documents
  • describe different forms of digital tools and discuss how they can be used in teaching to develop the subject’s content and teaching methods as well as pupils’ learning, and also practically apply these in their own learning.

Language Learning and Teaching 2B, 6 Credits

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • independently choose relevant content and working methods in the planning of language teaching in relation to pupils’ different needs and backgrounds and in relation to the school’s governing documents and relevant research
  • describe the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and make relevant assessments of pupils’ language skills in relation to CEFR and to the school’s governing documents
  • explain how digital tools can be used in language teaching, explain the importance of digital development for the content and working methods of language teaching, and apply digital tools in teaching based on relevant language didactic research
  • explain central language didactic research areas and research methods
  • formulate a relevant research question within a defined problem area that is connected to language teaching in primary and secondary schools and develop a method to investigate the question
  • prepare, lead and evaluate a discussion that is about selected content.

Course Content

The course consists of four obligatory modules:
Module 1. Oral Language Proficiency, 5.5 credits
Module 2. Written Language Proficiency I, 7.5 credits
Module 3. Culture and Society, 5.5 credits
Module 4. French Literature I: From 1900 to Today, 5.5 credits

Students then choose one of the four modules that focus on language learning and teaching:
Module 5. Language Learning and Teaching 1A, 6 credits
Module 6. Language Learning and Teaching 1B, 6 credits
Module 7. Language Learning and Teaching 2A, 6 credits
Module 8. Language Learning and Teaching 2B, 6 credits

The modules Language Learning and Teaching 1 and Language Learning and Teaching 2 can be taken in any order. They are normally offered once a year.

Students who are studying French as their first subject AND students who have studied a subject other than language as their first subject take module 5, Language Learning and Teaching 1A or module 7, Language Learning and Teaching 2A.
Students who have studied another language as their first subject take module 6, Language Learning and Teaching 1B or module 8, Language Learning and Teaching 2B.


Oral Language Proficiency, 5.5 Credits

The module includes a review of the main features of French phonetics and practical pronunciation exercises. The module also includes varied exercises in understanding spoken French and communicating orally in different situations. Students plan and carry out structured oral presentations. In preparation for their future professional role as teacher, students also get to write their reflections on phonetics and pronunciation learning from a didactic perspective.

Written Language Proficiency I, 7.5 Credits

This module includes a systematic review of basic elements of French grammar with application exercises of various kinds. Students complete linguistic analyses alongside various types of writing exercises, both structured and freer in nature, as well as translations. The course also deals with how linguistic awareness develops in pupils of different ages.

Culture and Society, 5.5 Credits

This module includes a study of the history, geography and society of France and the French-speaking world. Furthermore, aspects of cultural and social conditions in France and the French-speaking world are treated whereby comparisons are also made with students’ cultural experiences. The concept of ”la francophonie” is analysed and discussed.

French Literature I: From 1900 to Today, 5.5 Credits

This module includes an orientation in literary history of the literature from the French-speaking world from the 20th and 21st centuries. A selection of literary works is studied from the perspective of literature, linguistics and social history. The literature is also discussed based on its didactic potential in language teaching.

Language Learning and Teaching 1A, 6 Credits

This module constitutes an introduction to language didactics and to the central questions concerning the content and design of language teaching in relation to pupils’ different conditions for language learning and the school’s governing documents. The role and development of foreign languages in Swedish schools is treated in a historical retrospective. Central elements are a basic study of theories about language learning and discussions about language didactic issues. By also studying current governing documents in the form of curricula and syllabuses for modern languages, the relationship between the theories and the content of the school subject is treated. In this way, the content of the other modules is linked to the future profession and the concrete teaching situation as well as to the demands placed on the language teacher at school.

Language Learning and Teaching 1B, 6 Credits

The module involves an in-depth study of language didactic theories linked to various aspects of language learning and language teaching and a discussion of the relevance of these theories for language teaching. Students compare different theories on and models for language learning and gain insight into national and international research on multilingualism. Through practical exercises, students’ improve their scholarly approach and increase their ability to independently evaluate different theories. Students immerse themselves in the school’s governing documents and various theories about assessment and practices using different assessment models that are used in language teaching. Using practical exercises, students work on their ability to teach about cultural phenomena and to apply theoretical knowledge about the role of culture in language teaching.

Language Learning and Teaching 2A, 6 Credits

This module contains studies of different aspects of language learning where discussion and reflection on didactic issues are central. Pupils’ linguistic awareness and how they perceive their situation as language learners is treated. The module invites reflection on and discussion about the awareness of  students’ language learning and how this knowledge can be used in language teaching. Different aspects of assessment and grading in languages form another important feature of the module. The Common European Framwork of Reference (CEFR) is treated and put in relation to the Swedish school’s curricula for modern languages. The module also includes studies of how digital tools can be used in language teaching and also includes the review of other types of teaching materials. The content of the module connects with the other studies in the subject of French and to the students’ future professional role.

Language Learning and Teaching 2B, 6 Credits

This module involves an in-depth study of language didactic theories and research with a particular focus on the importance of new media for language teaching in terms of both the content of the subject and its teaching methods. The module provides tools to independently plan, implement and evaluate language teaching as well as to use and critically decide on digital tools as a resource for pupils’ learning. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is studied from an assessment perspective, and students also get to practise how it can be used in the assessment of pupils’ knowledge and skills in relation to the school’s governing documents. The course introduces central research areas and research methods in language didactics, and students work on their ability to formulate a relevant research question within a defined area and to describe a relevant method to answer the question.


  • Active participation in seminars
  • Written assignments
  • Oral presentations
  • Written supervised examination
  • Written supervised online examination


The grading scale used for the final course grade is U–VG.

For a final course grade of VG, students must achieve VG for a minimum of 22.5 credits.

Grades are reported as follows:

  • Phonetics - 2.5 Credits | U–VG
  • Oral Proficiency - 3 Credits | U–VG
  • Basic Knowledge of General and French Grammar - 1 Credit | U–VG
  • Grammar - 4 Credits | U–VG
  • Written Proficiency - 2.5 Credits | U–VG
  • Culture and society: Oral Presentation - 2 Credits | U–VG
  • Culture and society: Written Presentation - 3.5 Credits | U–VG
  • French literature I: Oral Presentation - 1.5 Credits | U–VG
  • French literature I: Written Presentation - 4 Credits | U–VG
  • Language Learning and Teaching 1A - 6 Credits | U–VG
  • Language Learning and Teaching 1B - 6 Credits | U–VG
  • Language Learning and Teaching 2A - 6 Credits | U–VG
  • Language Learning and Teaching 2B - 6 Credits | U–VG

Entry Requirements

  • General entry requirements and English 6, Social Sciences 1b or 1a1+1a2, French 3

Other Information

This course overlaps previous course codes GFR2WA and GFR2J8.

If a student takes the online course as their first subject in the teacher education programme they are required to attend a maximum of two days of classes in Falun at the start of the semester.

This course cannot be counted towards the same degree along with courses that have equivalent content.

If the student has received a decision/recommendation granting study support from Dalarna University because of a disability, then the examiner has the right to offer an alternative examination arrangement. The examiner takes into account the objectives in the course syllabus when deciding whether the examination can be adapted in accordance with the decision/recommendation.