Learning Outcomes
The students will after successful completion of the course:
- demonstrate good insight in different optimization methods such as profit maximization and cost minimization,
- be able to use the Lagrange method and interpret concepts such as duality and the envelope theorem.
- be able to use different functions, such as the indirect utility function, the expenditure function and the cost function.
know how to analyse situations and changes in an imperfect market
- demonstrate good insight in different optimization methods such as profit maximization and cost minimization,
- be able to use the Lagrange method and interpret concepts such as duality and the envelope theorem.
- be able to use different functions, such as the indirect utility function, the expenditure function and the cost function.
know how to analyse situations and changes in an imperfect market
Course Content
Th The purpose of the course is to present analytical models and methods within microeconomic theory. The course can be seen as a continuation of the microeconomic courses presented at a previous level. However an important difference to the earlier course is the use of more formal analytical methods.
Written exam and assignments.
Forms of Study
The Swedish grades U–VG.
- 15 credits in Microeconomics First Cycle and 7,5 credits in Macro-economics. In addition to that, 22.5 credits in applied courses in economics.
Other Information
The student is entitled to four resits.
Replaces NAC001, NEC001
Replaces NAC001, NEC001
- Nicholson, Walter. (2005) Microeconomic theory : basic principles and extensions. Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western. (671 p). ISBN 0-324-27086-0
Note: latest edition