Learning Outcomes
- Derive estimators such as ordinary and weighted least squares, moment and maximum likelihood. (1)
- Choose between alternative model specifications based on appropriate statistical tests. (2)
- Identify the endogeneity problem and possible solutions. (3)
- Explain and interpret models such as Logit, Probit and Tobit. (4)
- Explain and interpret the uni-and multivariate time series models. (5)
- Explain and interpret basic panel data models. (6)
- Motivate the application of a specific econometric model. (7)
- Estimate and interpret models such as linear regression, Logit, Probit, Tobit, ARMA, Fixed and Random effects panel data models. (8)
- Find scientific articles that apply econometric methods. (9)
- Apply econometric methods and report and present the results in a structured and linguistically correct manner. (10)
Course Content
The course is assessed by a written exam, equivalent to 6 credits (U-VG) and a project report, equivalent to 1.5 credits (U-G). The written exam examines learning objectives 1 to 6, while the project report examines primarily learning objectives 7 to 10. To pass the course, at least grade G on both the exam and the project report are required. The project report should follow the instructions for written reports and are available on the course website on Fronter.
Forms of Study
Lectures, computer exercises and assignment. Lectures consist of theory review whereas computer exercises are concerned with practical applications. Students will also undertake a project involving the application of econometric methods and reporting of results.
The Swedish grades U–VG.
- Introductory Econometrics, 7.5 credits and Microeconomics First Cycle 7,5 credits
Other Information
The maximum number of exam occasions is five.
Replaces NA3002.