Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course the student should be able to:
- demonstrate in-depth scientific theory and methodological knowledge in one area within German linguistic or literature
- demonstrate insights into the area‘s current research issues and scientific fields
- demonstrate an ability to integrate knowledge and to analyze, assess and deal with complex phenomena and issues from a critical point of view
- demonstrate an ability to independently search for, collect, evaluate and critically interpret and analyze relevant information based on a problem
- conduct a study with high demands on theory, research issue, scientific method, techniques and ethical issues
- through constructive response, critically analyze and discuss others‘ scientific work and defend their own work through scientific arguments
- express themselves orally and in writing in academic German with very great linguistic precision and accuracy.
Course Content
The student carries out an independent linguistic or literary study of a specific problem area directly related to a German linguistic or literary field. The study is presented in the form of an independently written essay of approximately 25-30 pages (7500-9000 words) within a given timeframe. In addition, the course includes practice in oral presentation and defense of their own results and arguments by critically analyzing and discussing others‘ scientific work.
The course is assessed mainly through the independently written work, but also the ability to give and take constructive criticism during the course is taken into account in the final assessment.
Forms of Study
Teaching takes the form of seminars and individual supervision. The thesis is defended and finally discussed at a defense seminar. All teaching is in German.
The Swedish grades U–VG.
- 90 credits in German within the first cycle, of which 30 credits at first cycle level 2 and 22,5 credits in German at second cycle level 1