We work to develop materials and coatings to increase productivity and performance for manufacturing and end use. Our work involves the study of business models including sustainability aspects for logistics and renewable energy, entrepreneurship and product development.
Laboratories and external collaboration
We have a well-equipped materials technology laboratory that has equipment for mechanical and tribological testing and metallographic sample preparation, as well as advanced instruments for microscopy and surface analysis.
We conduct elements of our research upon assignment by companies, which enables us to employ our material expertise and use our laboratory resources in the characterisation and evaluation of materials for use in certain applications.
We have four research specialisations and external collaboration within:
- Materials Technology (Swedish webpage)
- Mechanical Engineering (Swedish webpage)
- Industrial Engineering and Management (Swedish webpage)
- Entrepreneurship (Swedish webpage)
Research Projects
- Jayamani, Jayaraj, Elo, Robin, Surreddi, Kumar Babu, Olsson, Mikael. Electrochemical and passivation behavior of a corrosion-resistant WC-Ni(W) cemented carbide in synthetic mine water, International journal of refractory metals & hard materials, 2023, Vol. 114. Article: refereed.
- Lin, Z., Surreddi, Kumar Babu, Hulme, C., Dadbakhsh, S., Rashid, A. Influence of Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Process Parameters on Transformation Temperatures and Pseudoelasticity of Shape Memory Nickel Titanium, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2023, Vol. 25, No. 12. Article: refereed.
- Maurya, H. S., Jayamani, Jayaraj, Vikram, R. J., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of TiC-based cermets : A detailed comparison with spark plasma sintered samples, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, Vol. 960. Article: refereed.
- Maurya, H. S., Jayamani, Jayaraj, Wang, Z., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Investigation of the tribological behavior of the additively manufactured TiC-based cermets by scratch testing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, Vol. 959. Article: refereed.
- Dominic, Chris, Olsmats, Carl. Life-Centered Concurrent Packaging Design : Integrating Packaging, Product, Logistics Process and Supply Chain, diid — disegno industriale industrial design, 2023, No. 79. Article: refereed.
- Olsson, Mikael, Lundin, Peter, Samuelsson, Jan-Erik, Tjerngren, Peter, Åhlberg, Richard, Börjesson, Malin, Balazs, Emil. Färre ytfel på varmvalsade produkter, Jernkontorets forskning, 2022. Rapport.
- Olsson, Mikael, Lundin, Peter, Samuelsson, Jan-Erik, Tjerngren, Peter, Åhlberg, Richard, Börjesson, Malin, Balazs, Emil. YTFEL Deelrapport - Verksförsök, Jernkontorets forskning, 2022. Rapport.
- Olsson, Mikael, Åhlberg, Richard. YTFEL Delrapport - Ytfelsatlas, Jernkontorets forskning, 2022. Rapport.
- Singh, N., Ummethala, Raghunandan, Surreddi, Kumar Babu, Jayamani, Jayaraj, Sokkalingam, Rathinavelu, Rajput, Monika, Chatterjee, Kaushik, Prashanth, K.G. Effect of TiB2 addition on the mechanical and biological response of spark plasma sintered Ti6Al7Nb matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, Vol. 924, 166502-166502. Article: refereed.
- Sokkalingam, Rathinavelu, Chao, Zhao, Sivaprasad, Katakam, Muthupandi, Veerappan, Jayamani, Jayaraj, Ramasamy, Parthiban, Eckert, Juergen, Prashanth, Konda Gokuldoss. Additive Manufacturing of CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy/AISI 316L Stainless Steel Bimetallic Structures, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022. Article: refereed.
- Surreddi, Kumar Babu, Sanni, O. C., Brodin, H. Microstructure and mechanical behavior of as-built and heat-treated Hastelloy-X alloy produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion process, Procedia CIRP : 2022. Konferensbidrag: refereed.
- Lagin, Madelen, Håkansson, Johan, Olsmats, Carl, Espegren, Yanina, Nordström, Carin. The value creation failure of grocery retailers’ last-mile value proposition: A sustainable business model perspective, Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 2022. Article: refereed.
- Olsmats, Carl. Expert panel discussion participant, 2022. Konferensbidrag: populärvetenskaplig.
- Lagin, Madelen, Håkansson, Johan, Nordström, Carin, Nyberg, Roger G., Öberg, Christina. Last-mile logistics of perishable products : a review of effectiveness and efficiency measures used in empirical research, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2022, Vol. 50, No. 13, 116-139. Article: refereed.
- Mattsson, J., Lindbergh, L., Nordström, Carin. Capacity of Public-Private Collaborations to Incorporate Sustainable Business Models for Housing Development in Sweden : A Resilience Perspective, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science: 2022. Konferensbidrag: refereed.
- SMART-Sprickbildning i nerskalade Ti-testgeometrier för LMDp reparationer
Project Start: September 2023 - FEEDER-Karaktärisering av tillsatsmaterial för LMDp-process – reparation
Project Start: September 2023 - Integrerad bearbetningsmodellering i fullskala FINBEAM2
Project Start: October 2022 - YTfel2 - Innovative surface inspection with multispectral technology and artificial intelligence
Project Start: October 2022 - WOLS – Wire drawing optimization with resource-efficient lubrication
Project Start: January 2022
- "YTFEL" - Färre ytfel på varmvalsade produkter
Project Start: October 2019 - Socialt entreprenörskap i Dalarna
Project Start: February 2019 - "VV-kontroll" - Robusta processer för värmning och valsning genom kontroll av oxidation
Project Start: November 2018 - Fullscale project on integrated modelling of metal working processes
Project Start: July 2018