Databases A-Z






  • Electronic books from different publishers.
  • OpenDissertations is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. It incorporates EBSCO’s previously released American Doctoral Dissertations, and features additional dissertation metadata contributed by select colleges and universities from around the world.
  • Search articles in economics.
  • Söker samtidigt i databaserna: - Education database - ERIC
  • Journal articles on education. Focus on important international scientific journals.
  • References to biomedicine with focus on pharmacology and toxicology including MEDLINE citations.
  • A journal package from Emerald publishing, primarily covering management and business economics but also Engineering, Education, Library Studies and Health and Social Care.
  • Britannica Academic is a digital encyclopedia that, in addition to Encyclopædia Britannica, also contains Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus.
  • References to literature in energy research.
  • The collection contains engineering related full-text articles and a comprehensive index to world literature on technological and engineering innovations going back to 1966.
  • ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center) is the world's largest digital database of education literature
  • ERIC (The Education Resources Information Center) is the world's largest digital database of education literature.
  • Search for patent data from all over the world.
  • Statistics and data showing trends and impact in science and scientific publishing.
  • European union law.
  • Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union.


  • Information relating to taxes, company law, accounting and auditing etc from FAR (the Swedish Institute of Authorized and Approved Accountants). Contains information about laws, preparatory work, directives, legal cases, documents and the journals Balans, Resultat and Skattenytt and also FAR's English dictionary. In Swedish.
  • Drug information. In Swedish.
  • Watch short films, documentaries, newsreels and commercials, which reflect a Swedish century of transformation and the emergence of today's society.


  • Funded by the Swedish Research Council, geodata from the National Land Survey of Sweden, the Swedish Transport Administration, Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Maritime Administration are provided free of charge for use in education, research and cultural activities. The service also provides access to geodata from the Geological Survey of Sweden.
  • Google Scholar is Googles interface for scientific material. Here you can find articles, thesis and books from academic publisher and universities from all over the world. The Universities resources in fulltext from different vendors and subscribers are integrated in Google Scholar but you need to go through the library webpage.
  • This free research database provides scholarly, government and general-interest sources covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.


  • A large collection of books that have been digitized by libraries around the world.
  • This series includes longer time series of older statistics from the 18th century and onwards within different subject areas such as population, weather, land surveying, agriculture and foreign trade.
  • Nordic women's literature history is a trilingual web portal in Danish, Swedish and English. Contains 1000 years of women's literary history from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Åland.
  • Article database with both references and 1200 full text journals from the beginning of the 20th century and forward.
  • Look up e-journals available for Högskolan Dalarna users by title, ISSN or browse by category.



  • JCR allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data: Most frequently cited journals in a field, highest impact journals in a field, largest journals in a field.
  • Full text archive. Scientific journals and other scientific material on a wide range of subjects. Usually no access to the most recent issues.
  • Open Access ebooks from scholarly publishers.
  • Leagal database. In Swedish.


  • In KemI's databases, you will find, among other things, information about the substances' names, properties, hazards and any restrictions on how they may be used.
  • Knowledge Unlatched - scholarly books and journals freely accessible
  • Swedish collaboration for the publication of scientifically reviewed e-books.
  • KVINNSAM is an interdisciplinary literature database with references to Swedish and foreign gender studies .
  • Search for books in libraries around the world.



  • Data about materials and material standards.
  • Contains asylum and hospital inspectors' reports, Health Care Committee's minutes, Annual reports from hospitals, autopsy reports, Medicinal Agency's protocols, Surveillance Authority's annual reports on mental health care and Annual reports from provincial doctors from the period 1814-1916. Data and interface in Swedish only.
  • Articles in fulltext from swedish newspapers and some journals and a few other newspapers from other countries.
  • References to journal articles within the fields of medicine, nursing, odontology, epidemiology and related subject areas. MEDLINE is part of the database PubMed and contains a more controlled selection of references then PubMed. Newly published articles that have only received temporary references or articles that have the status Epub ahead of print are not found here but can be searched in PubMed.
  • Database for literature on linguistics and literary research etc.



  • Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN) contains freely available academic e-books, in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Open access digital theological archive.
  • Journal publishers copyright & self-archiving policies.
  • Course literature that has been funded and licensed to be freely available. Reviewed and selected by various faculties at colleges and universities.
  • Search for books in Norwegian libraries.
  • OSTI.GOV makes discoverable research results from US Department of Energy and its predecessor agencies. Research results include journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata; technical reports; scientific research datasets and collections; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books and theses; and multimedia.
  • OTseeker is a database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions.
  • A guide for researchers in any discipline to the meaning, history, and usage of over 500,000 words and phrases across the English-speaking world.
  • Electronic journals from Oxford University Press.
  • Dictionaries and other reference books from Oxford University Press.
  • Ebooks in the series Very Short Introductions offer concise introductions to a diverse range of subjects.
  • Ebooks in the series Very Short Introductions offer concise introductions to a diverse range of subjects.


  • Issues in the public debate - journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more.
  • PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database. PEDro is a free database of over 60,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
  • Policy File Index is a resource for U.S. public policy research with indexing and linking to the output of over 350 think tanks and similar organizations. Coverage: 1990 - current
  • International relations and political science - journal articles. Coverage: 1985 - current
  • Search in: - PAIS Index (1914 - current) - Policy File Index (1990 - current) - Political Science Database (1985 - current) - Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (1909 - current)
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Open
  • The oldest producer of "free" e-books that are no longer covered by copyright.
  • Scientific books in humanities and social sciences from university publishers and scholarly societies.
  • Electronic journals in humanities and social sciences from scientific publishers.
  • Free electronic editions of classic Nordic (Scandinavian) literature.
  • PsycINFO is a database with resources in psychology, behavioral science and related subjects.
  • A platform for Swedish scholarly open access journals.
  • Pubmed contains material in medicin, care, nursing care, odontology, veterinary medicin, biomedicine and much more.


  • Discover and explore Danish research
  • Search for information on research in Finland
  • Company and business information as well as annual reports (click on the tab Business).
  • Rikstermbanken is Sweden's national term bank. The Rikstermbanken contains terms and concepts from a large number of subject areas. In the Rikstermbanken you will mostly find terms in Swedish, but also terms in several of Sweden's minority languages ​​and in other languages, including English, French, German and Russian.


  • Electronic journals from SAGE
  • Samlaren is a journal for Swedish literary research.
  • Scandinavian University Press publishes scholarly journals and books, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. The publisher's platform was previously called Idunn.
  • The Statistics Database contains most of the Swedish statistics that SCB is responsible for. In addition, there are official statistics from other authorities.
  • The Science Citation Index Expanded is a interdisciplinary database for journal articles in engineering and the natural sciences. It is also part of the Web of Science. It can be used for both subject and citation searches.
  • Electronic journals from Elsevier.
  • In SciFree Journal Search Tool scientists at Dalarna University can search for academic journals where they can publish with open access.
  • Scopus is an interdisciplinary database with scientific literature in various subject areas. It also a database for citation searches.
  • Contains a selection of standards in full text from SIS (Swedish Institute for Standards) etc. More standards can be added. Send queries about more standards to the library
  • Regulations from Swedish National Agency for Education
  • This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology.
  • Search across a range of ProQuest’s specialist index and full-text social sciences databases, covering subject areas including Politics, Sociology, Education, Linguistics, and Criminal Justice
  • The Social Sciences Citation Index is a interdisciplinary database for journal articles in the social sciences. It is also part of the Web of Science. It can be used for both subject and citation searches.
  • Search litterature about social work, human services and related areas, including social welfare, social policy and community development. Coverage: 1979 - current
  • Sociological Abstracts cover the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Coverage: 1952 - current
  • Search the following databases simultaneously: - Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) (1987 - current) - Sociological Abstracts (1952 - current) - Sociology Database (1985 - current) - Social Services Abstracts (1979 - current)
  • This database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. This collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles included in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts.
  • SURF is the Sport Information Portal provided by the Federal Institute of Sport Science (Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft / BISp). BISp databases: SPOLIT (publications), SPOFOR (projects), SPOMEDIA (audio-visual media), “Fachinfoführer Sport” (internet resources)
  • Search for literature in sports and related subjects.
  • We have access to e-books from 2020-2023 from these subject collections: Business Administration- Computer Science- Education, Energy- Social Science.
  • The university has an agreement for approx. 2,200 e-journals from the publisher SpringerNature.
  • "Swedish Government Official Reports"
  • Peer reviewed Swedish books.
  • Search service for the library's collected resources (articles and books).
  • Svensk historisk bibliografi-digital (SHBd) is a subject bibliography of Swedish history.
  • The Swedish Media Database (SMDB) is a search service for the audiovisual collections at the National Library of Sweden (KB). The database contains information about TV, radio, video, movies presented in theaters, CDs, and multimedia.
  • SAOB, is a historical dictionary that describes Swedish written language from 1521 to the present day.
  • The Swedish Academy's dictionaries
  • Svenska tidningar contains nearly 2,000 Swedish newspaper and magazine titles that have been digitized to varying degrees by the Swedish National Library. You can search in this service from home, but for copyright reasons you must read most of the material at the university's library in Falun on a computer in the Elverum group room. The room can be booked at for students/staff. External users can book via email or phone 023-77 81 80 (weekdays 8-16).
  • Swedish author's dictionary. Some parts of the lexicon are available digitally at Projekt Runerberg.
  • Learn about 2000 Swedish women from the Middle Ages to the present day.
  • Svenskt Pressregister is a list of articles in about 15 Swedish metropolitan newspapers.
  • Archieves of the Swedish East India Company
  • The Swedish Film Database is the film database of the Swedish Film Institute. You can use it to search for information about all Swedish feature-length films released at the cinema since the first Swedish film in 1897.
  • Swedish bibliography 1600-1829 and Swedish public printing until 1833.
  • Here you can search for Swedish patents, public patent applications and European patents (EP patents) validated in Sweden.
  • Academic publications at Swedish universities. Search among scholarly articles, conference papers and dissertations etc.



  • Peer reviewed academic books.
  • Ulrichsweb offers detailed information from more than 300,000 journals. For example you can find out if a journal contains peer reviewed articles.
  • Swedish student theses and essays in full text.
  • Radio- and TV-programs from UR (Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company).


  • Introductions in a wide range of subjects, written by authors who are experts in their field.
  • Religion-related websites
  • Electronic books from former Dawsonera. To login go to Shibboleth and look for Dalarna University. Then you can login.


  • Interdisciplinary database with references from scienctific journals, books, reports and conferences in various subjects. It also a database for citation searches.
  • Electronic journals from Wiley-Blackwell
  • A search service providing information on titles held by more than 10,000 libraries worldwide
  • International political science and international relations - journal articles, books, dissertations and working papers.