FAQ - Italian

Find answers to some of the most frequent questions about our online Italian courses.


Are online academic courses easier than traditional courses?

No. They are not easier since they follow the same curricula as campus courses. Some students think they can work on their studies after work. While this is possible, you need to be aware that online courses require the same amount of study time and have the same study requirements as traditional campus-based courses.

Are there any obligatory campus meetings?

No. If a course is described as online, then all teaching, exams, tutorials, etc. are online. However, online courses still require obligatory attendance at online seminars, as described in the set timetable.

I don't have any documented Italian qualification/exam record. However, I am a native speaker/fluent speaker because I studied and/or lived in Italy. Can I enrol in a course in Italian?

Yes. However, you will need to pass a placement test, both oral and written, organised with one of our teachers.

To arrange this test, you need to contact vnw@du.se. Because of the high number of requests, please allow time for this and get in touch with us as soon as possible.

How many courses do I need to pass to attain a 30 credit level?

To complete the first part of Undergraduate Level (Grundnivå), 30 credits (hp), you need to take and pass the following four courses:

These are offered each semester:

Italian A: Phonetics and Oral Proficiency, 7.5 credits

Italian A: Grammar and Written Proficiency, 7.5 credits

Italian A: Culture and Society, 7.5 credits 

Italian A: Text Analysis, 7.5 credits 

To complete the second part of Undergraduate Level (Level B) (an additional 30 credits), you need to take and pass the following four courses:

Autumn Semester:

Italian B: Grammar and Written Production, 7.5 credits

Italian B: Italian Language, Past and Present, 7.5 credits

Spring Semester:

Italian B: Oral Proficiency and Cultural Knowledge, 7.5 credits

Italian B: History of Literature with Text Analysis, 7.5 credits

To complete Undergraduate Level 1 (Level C), you need to take and pass the following three courses. These are offered each semester:

Italian C: Italian Linguistics, 7.5 credits

Italian C: Italian Old Literature, 7.5 credits

Italian C: Essay in Italian, 15 credits

Do I need to take four courses (30 credits) per semester? Can I choose how many courses I want to take each semester?

To facilitate your studies, we have planned our curriculum to be flexible. You can choose to study full-time/100% (four courses); 75% of full-time (three courses); 50% of full-time (two courses); or 25% of full-time (one course). What you decide depends on how you can realistically commit to online studies.

We advise you not to enrol in more courses than those you are sure you can complete. You risk losing confidence in yourself if you are unable to complete your courses.

I can choose each course freely from every level. Which should I prioritise from a pedagogical point of view?

You are free to choose the order and number of courses. However, we generally suggest this order:

Undergraduate Level, first part:

Italian A: Phonetics and Oral Proficiency, 7.5 credits
Italian A: Grammar and Written Proficiency, 7.5 credits


Italian A: Culture and Society, 7.5 credits
Italian A: Text Analysis, 7.5 credits

Undergraduate Level, second part:

Autumn Semester:

Italian B: Grammar and Written Production, 7.5 credits
Italian B: Italian Language, Past and Present, 7.5 credits

Spring Semester:

Italian B: Oral Proficiency and Cultural Knowledge, 7.5 credits
Italian B: History of Literature with Text Analysis, 7.5 credits

Undergraduate Level, third part:

Italian Linguistics, 7.5 credits
Italian Old Literature 7.5 credits


Essay in Italian, 15 credits

Does a 7.5 credit course correspond to 5 weeks of scheduled classes?

No. Our 7.5 and 15 credit courses are taught over an entire semester.

This is the method we consider most effective for language learning since you work continuously over several months rather than intensively over a short time.

Timetable, Schedule and Attendance

What time are seminars (classes) held?

Italian seminars (classes) are scheduled to take place evenings after 18:00.

If there are many students in a course, students need to be divided into small groups. When this happens, we can sometimes organise morning sessions for one of the smaller groups.

Lessons are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (evenings), leaving Friday evenings and weekends free.

When we plan the timetable, we make sure classes for the same group (for example, Undergraduate Level 1, first part: 4 courses, as above) do not overlap.

Are classes obligatory?

Yes. When you study online, attendance and participation are important. During class time, you can ask questions, and receive instructions and helpful suggestions from the teacher. You can also express your ideas, discuss problems, socialise, help other students, and receive help from other students.

It is easy to become discouraged and lose motivation when you study on your own with no contact with teachers and other students. For this reason, classes are obligatory, and it is important that you participate actively in them.

I was unable to attend an obligatory class. Can I make it up somehow?

You have to participate actively in a certain number of classes (for example, 8 classes of 10). If you miss more, you will need to re-take the course in the next semester. Please check your Course Handbook for information.

You cannot make up for missed classes (no matter the reason) just as is the case with campus-based courses. This is why it is important not to miss classes.

Classes are not recorded.

Can I manage my study time independently?

No, not completely. Your teacher sets the deadlines for assignments and homework (generally one or two weeks), tests, and classes. Of course you can decide when you want to study. As described above, classes and seminars are scheduled for evenings, Monday to Thursday.

Technical Equipment (hardware/software)

What technical equipment do I need for an online course?

You need a desktop computer/laptop - one that is not older than 4-5 years. We advise against the use of mobile devices such as tablets or mobile phones. You will also need a headset and a webcam. For the online written exams, you will need an external webcam (that is to say, not a built-in camera).

We recommend you use a headset with USB connection. We do not, however, recommend the use of a Bluetooth headset or headphones with microphone (like the ones used for mobile phones).

What are the system requirements?

You will need a minimum of 800kbps / 1.0 Mbps (up/down) connection. A connection speed above 2.5 Mbps is recommended and a wired connection is recommended where available.

You can check your connection speed at Bredbandskollen

What software do I need on my computer to take my course without any problems?

For online classes you need the Zoom application, which is available from: https://zoom.us/download. You can run Zoom from a web browser, but the application tends to be more stable.  

Our university offers the Windows Office 365 package (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) which can be either downloaded and used as an application or used online. The office suite can be accessed here: https://www.office.com. Students should log in using their university username and password.  

Adobe Acrobat Reader is useful for reading PDF files (free download from the Adobe website) 

Where can I test my equipment to check it is working properly?

It is essential that you test your equipment (especially your microphone and webcam) before the course start so that you avoid problems during the first online Zoom meeting for the course.  

Our university offers online technical support from the Zoom support café: here, you can test your equipment and get technical support. Technicians are available all work days from 8.00 to 16.00. 

I have never used Zoom before. How can I learn how to use it?

Zoom is very intuitive and easy to use. If you feel you need extra support, we recommend you take an introductory course in Zoom given by our technicians at the beginning of each semester.

The schedule of the introductory classes can be found on the Zoom Meeting Portal.

You can also access the Zoom guide. 

Who should I contact if I have technical problems?

If you experience technical problems, please contact support@du.se. Remember to give clear information in your email subject line about the problem you are experiencing (e-mail, log in, Zoom, etc.).

Course Literature: Books and Handouts

Do I need to buy all the books listed in the course outline document?

Yes. All the books included in the literature section are necessary and you need to procure them before the course begins (you can buy them new or second-hand or borrow them from a library).

Remember that a number of the titles that do not have copyright (this generally expires 70 years after the death of the author), such as Divina Commedia and I Promessi sposi, can be downloaded free from a number of websites: for example, www.liberliber.it.

The books in the Reference literature section are not obligatory; rather, they are suggested reading. You can decide yourself whether or not you want to procure them.

I am a distance student: can I borrow books from the university library?

Falun's university library has one copy of every book that is included in the course literature. Books can be sent to your home address (if you live in Sweden) and you can retain them for one month. You must pay the cost of returning the books. Sometimes, there is a waiting list for the book.

With questions about the library and the borrowing system, please see the University Library webpage.

I already have one of the course literature books, but it is not the most current edition. Can I use it anyway?

If the book is a dictionary or a grammar book, then this is not a problem. However, editions of other books, such as course books and exercise books, may differ considerably, so check with your teacher.

Is there a bookshop in Sweden that I can order books from?

You can buy course books from any bookshop, including bookshops in Italy. You can also buy them online.

Teacher Contact

Can I use my private email address to communicate with teachers?

We recommend that you use your university email account (which you receive when you register for your course) in all communication with teachers, not your private email account. This is for both security and privacy reasons.

If I email a teacher, when can I expect a response?

Do not expect an immediate response. Teachers have work hours and do not sit permanently in front of the computer. You will receive a response as soon as your teacher has time. Our general policy is to respond to all emails (that require a response) within three working days (so not weekends or public holidays).

I submitted an assignment/test: how long do I need to wait for it to be assessed and returned?

Generally, teachers have about 15 working days in which to assess and return your work (those 15 days do not include weekends and public holidays).

If you have waited longer than this, try contacting your teacher first as they might be ill. If you do not receive a reply, contact the subject coordinator.

Temporary or Permanent Residents Abroad

I am permanently resident abroad. Is there anything in particular I should think about?

First of all, make sure you have your books on time: it may take longer for you to receive them if you are abroad. This is the same with any other material you will need for the course.

If you reside in a non-European country that is in a different time zone (Asia, Australia, South America, etc.), obligatory classes may take place at times of the day that will make your attendance difficult.

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