Important Information About the Research Database

As of 10 October 2023, you will no longer be able to add information to/change information in the research database. However, the information that exists there will remain visible on the University’s website for approximately two months after 10 October.
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As of 10 October 2023, you will no longer be able to add information to/change information in the research database. Anna Hermansson

The reason for this is that the database uses an older server: continued use of this server poses a security risk, which is why it is being shut down.

The research database was originally created to collect and present data for the annual report. Over time, this purpose has changed, and it is now primarily used to share current research.

Central Administration is working to find a temporary solution so that we can continue to display our research on our website. However, it is important to know that there will a period of time when there will not be an administrative tool for this: this will be between 10 October and when the temporary solution is in place.

Part of a review of the research process includes identifying needs and finding ways to meet these needs. At this point in time, we are unable to say exactly when the work will be completed.


  • As of 10 October, you will no longer be able to add information to or change information in the research database.
  • Existing information will be visible on the university website for approximately two months after 10 October.
  • The research database is primarily used to share current research.
  • Central Administration is working on a temporary solution.
  • There will be a period during which there will not be an administrative tool for the database: this will be between 10 October and when the temporary solution is in place.
  • Because the research database has not been actively managed for a long time and because there is no clear owner, it is not possible to move the tool to a new server.
Office of Education and Research Services and Office of Marketing and Communication
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