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Litteraturlista för:
Fastställd 2025-03-20

Kvalificerad filmproduktion (GBQ36D)

V3LUX (VT25, 100%, Dag, Normal, Falun, Omg. 1, ORD)


  • Batty, C., & Zalipour, A. (2024). Research, practice, knowledge: introducing the creative knowledges enabling framework. Media Practice and Education, 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/25741136.2024.2384686
    Läsanvisning:Tillgänglig som pdf via biblioteket
  • Batty, C., & Kerrigan, S. (Red.). (2018). Screen production research : creative practice as a mode of enquiry (1 uppl.). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 9783319628363
    Övrigt:Tillgänglig online via biblioteket
    Bok / Antologi
  • Bylund, C., Liliequist, E., & Silow Kallenberg, K. (2021). Autoetnografisk etnologi – en inledning. Kulturella perspektiv, (30), 1-6.
    Läsanvisning:Tillgänglig som pdf
  • Prevent. (2024). Arbetsmiljö inom film- och tv-produktion : handbok (1 uppl.). Prevent. ISBN: 9789189901094
    Övrigt:Finns även tillgänglig som PDF i kursrummet.
    Bok / Antologi
  • Rea, P. W., & Irving, D. K. (2015). Producing and directing the short film and video (Fifth edition). Burlington, MA: Focal Press. ISBN: 9780415732550
    Bok / Antologi
  • Wales, L. M. (2017). Complete guide to film and digital production : the people and the process (3 uppl.). New York: Focal Press. ISBN: 978-1-138-23981-4
    Bok / Antologi


  • Field, S. (1994). Screenplay : the foundations of screenwriting (3 uppl.). New York: Dell.
    Bok / Antologi
  • Honthaner, E. L. (2010). Complete film production handbook (4 uppl.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press. ISBN: 978-0-240-81150-5
    Bok / Antologi
  • Johnson, C. H. (2005). Crafting short screenplays that connect (2 uppl.). Amsterdam: Focal Press. ISBN: 0-240-80641-7
    Bok / Antologi
  • McKee, R. (1998). Story : substance, structure, style, and the principles of screenwriting (2 uppl.). London: Methuen. ISBN: 0413715507
    Bok / Antologi
  • Merzbacher, C. (2018). SHORT! guide to producing : the practical essentials of producing short films (1 uppl.). New York: Routledge. ISBN: 9780815394204
    Bok / Antologi
  • Snyder, B. (2005). Save the cat! : the last book on screenwriting you'll ever need (1 uppl.). Studio City, CA: M. Wiese Productions. ISBN: 1932907009
    Bok / Antologi
  • Stradling, L. (2010). Production management for TV and film : the professional's guide (1 uppl.). London: Methuen Drama. ISBN: 1408121808
    Bok / Antologi
  • Tomaric, J. J. (2011). Filmmaking : direct your movie from script to screen using proven Hollywood techniques (1 uppl.). Oxford: Focal. ISBN: 9780240817002
    Bok / Antologi