Heesch, F., & Scott, N. (Red.). (2019). Heavy Metal, Gender and Sexuality: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Valfri).
Bok / Antologi
Herbst, J., & Spracklen, K. (2021). Metal music studies at the intersection of theory and practice. Metal Music Studies, 7(3), 351-356. DOI: 10.1386/mms_00054_2
Hickam, B. (2014). Amalgamated anecdotes: Perspectives on the history of metal music and culture studies. Metal Music Studies, 1(1), 5-23. DOI: 10.1386/mms.1.1.5_1
Kahn-Harris, K. (2007). Extreme metal : music and culture on the edge (Valfri). Oxford: Berg. ISBN: 9781845203986
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Latour, M., & Wallmark, Z. (Red.). (2018). relentless pursuit of tone : timbre in popular music (valfri). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199985234
Bok / Antologi
Moylan, W. (2015). Understanding and crafting the mix : the art of recording (Third edition.). Burlington, MA: Focal Press. ISBN: 9780415842815
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Mynett, M. (2016). Metal music manual : producing, engineering, mixing and mastering contemporary heavy music (valfri). New York: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138809321
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Walser, R. (2014). Running with the devil : power, gender, and madness in heavy metal music (valfri). Middletown: Wesleyan University Press. ISBN: 9780819575142
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Fler texter kan tillkomma.
Berger, H. M. (1999). Metal, rock, and jazz : perception and the phenomenology of musical experience (valfri). Hanover, N.H: Wesleyan Univ. Press, Univ. Press of New England. ISBN: 0819563714
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Brolinson, P., & Larsen, H. (1981). Rock --- : --- and roll (valfri). Göteborg.
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Bromham, G., & Moore, A. (Red.). (2023). Distortion in music production : the soul of sonics (valfri). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN: 9780367405854
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Fredriksson, D. (2021). ‘Not Folk Metal, but...’. Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning / Swedish Journal of Music Research, 111-126. DOI: 10.58698/stm-sjm.v103i.10369
Fredriksson, D. (2024). Från djävulsmusik till konstnärligt uttryck. Puls - musik- och dansetnologisk tidskrift, 9, 44-60. DOI: 10.62779/puls.9.2024.23737
Gaines, D. (1998). Teenage wasteland : suburbia's dead end kids (valfri). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN: 0226278727
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Herbst, J., & Mynett, M. (2022). What is “Heavy” in Metal? A Netnographic Analysis of Online Forums for Metal Musicians and Producers. Popular Music and Society, 45(5), 633-653. DOI: 10.1080/03007766.2022.2114155
Spracklen, K., Scott, N., Heritage, G., et al. (2016). How to be rejected. Metal Music Studies, 2(2), 149-150. DOI: 10.1386/mms.2.2.149_2
von Wachenfeldt, T., & Thorgersen, K. (2022). Black Metal Bildung. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 30(2), 183-201.
von Wachenfeldt, T., & Thorgersen, K. (2021). "You who hate God": Channeling hate through the sound of Lucifer. I Difference and Division in Music Education ( ss. 93-107). Routledge.
Kapitel i bok (antologi)
von Wachenfeldt, T., & Thorgersen, K. (2019). When Hell freezes over: black metal - emancipatory cosmopolitanism and/or egoistic protectionism?. I Music, education, and religion: intersections and entanglements ( ss. 208-219). Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Weinstein, D. (2000). Heavy metal : the music and its culture (valfri). Boulder, Colo: Da Capo Press. ISBN: 0306809702
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