Denna nyhet är äldre än 6 månader och är kanske inte aktuell längre.

Det är möjligt att stipendiera personer från Ukraina med Erasmusmedel under vissa förutsättningar.
Så länge Högskolan Dalarna har erasmusmedel kvar att fördela och fram till och med 31 juli 2024 gäller följande:
Eligible participants
- Students: being enrolled in a Higher Education institution (HEI) at the moment of fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian aggression.
- Recent graduates: having graduated from a HEI in Ukraine within maximum 12 months before the moment of fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian aggression.
- Staff: being employed in a HEI in Ukraine at the moment of fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian aggression.
Eligible activities
The activities have to take place at the beneficiary HEI. In cases when, due to the war, the sending organisation cannot be involved in the activity, the beneficiary HEI is the only HEI involved in the organisation of the mobility, except for traineeships outside of the HEI.
For students: mobility for studies and mobility for traineeships. For traineeships this also includes traineeships for recent graduates. The beneficiary institution has to arrange the traineeships.
For staff: mobility for teaching (including invited staff from non-HEI organisations) and mobility for training.