Workshop with Elevate Scientific Academy: How to frame and write successful grant applications

Denna nyhet är äldre än 6 månader och är kanske inte aktuell längre.

What strategic aspects enable you to plan and frame a research project for a specific funder? Are there any effective writing techniques to create clear, coherent, complete, and compelling narratives within the tight confines of most grant application guidelines?



Once a year, researchers within Dalarna University are being nominated by their schools, and invited by the research support organisation, to participate in a grant writing workshop, lead by Dr Dan Csontos from Elevate Scientific Academy.

The theme of the workshop is: How to frame and write successful grant applications

Workshop on grant application writing for researchers 2023

This year, we have the pleasure of welcoming Dr Dan Csontos, once again, to Dalarna University, on November 15. The participants will, during this interactive day, learn effecitve strategies and techniques linked to application writing.  


If you are interested in participating in the workshop next year, please contact your Deputy Head of School (proprefekt) or Monika Matevska Stier, Strategic Advisor for External Research Funding, Office of Education and Research Services, Central Administration - 


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