Installationsföreläsning: André Augusto

André Augusto, professor i energiteknik, håller sin öppna installationsföreläsning, välkommen!

Datum: , kl 15:00
Plats: Campus Borlänge
Lokal: B101

Föreläsningen hålls på engelska och är öppen för studenter, personal och allmänhet. 

Embracing Failure: Reflections on the Role of Creativity and Methodology in Research

In this installation lecture, I will reflect on my research journey in photovoltaic solar energy, from my time as a master's student to my current role as a professor. My research path has, in many ways, mirrored the ups and downs of the photovoltaic solar industry, sometimes facing existential threats that required innovation and adaptation. Through storytelling, I will highlight the importance of methodology in research and how creativity and curiosity serve as the driving forces in unlocking knowledge.

För mer information kontakta
André Augusto
Professor energiteknik
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