- (How) should environmental sustainability be a part of physical education? : Analysing Swedish teachers' voices through a Bernsteinian perspective, Sport, Education and Society, 2024. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Steep uphill cycling using repeated transitions between seated and standing positions results in a lower blood-lactate concentration than continuous use of either seated or standing position, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2024, Vol. 6. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Supervisors’ guidance of PETE students’ reflections at practicum: creating conditions for different learning journeys, Reflective Practice, 2024, 1-14. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Reflective conversations at practicum : A matter of control, Book of Abstracts : 2024. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Discrepancies in internal and external training load measurements during low-intensity biathlon training, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2024, Vol. 6. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Football players’ physiological responses and rated perceived exertion during running at constant versus varying speeds, LASE Journal of Sport Science, 2024. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Returning to the river : the salutogenic model as a theory to explore the relation between outdoor activities and health, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 2024. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- My Way to School Through a Camera Lens : Involving Children to Inform a Policy Recommendation on Active School Travel, Health Promotion Practice, 2024. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Medie- och informationskunnighet är mer än bara källkritik och tekniskt kunnande. Vilka behov är det som behöver mötas och hur?, Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning, 2024, Vol. 17, No. 3, 77-89. Artikel. .
- Using impact monitoring mouthguards to measure head impact exposure in elite ice hockey, JSAMS Plus, 2024, Vol. 4. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- External Mechanical Work Versus Energy Expenditure During on-Court Tennis Drills in Elite Adolescent Tennis Players, Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, 2024. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Health education in Swedish schools - what's on offer?, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2024. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The anatomy of body shaming in sports coaching, Sport in Society, 2024. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Activating students as resources in physical education teacher education – a complex process making social and physical capital visible., 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Peer assessment in physical education teacher education – a complex process making social and physical capital visible, Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 2023, 1-15. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The Changing Landscape of Sport Facilities : Consequences for Practitioners and the Environment, Ingår i: Sport, Performance and Sustainability, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. Kapitel av bok. .
- Where does environmental sustainability fit in the changing landscapes of outdoor sports? An analysis of logics of practice in artificial sport landscapes, Sport, Education and Society, 2023, Vol. 28, No. 6, 727-740. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Representations of mathematics education in Swedish newspapers — Part of the structural influence on mathematics teaching, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2023, Vol. 23, 228-240. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring physical education teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards digital technology in outdoor education, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 2023, Vol. 23, No. 4, 510-524. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Environmental Sustainability in Physical Education : A Study of Physical Education Teachers' Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Environmental Sustainability in Physical Education, Ingår i: Sport, Performance and Sustainability, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. Kapitel av bok. .
- A Drone-mounted Depth Camera-based Motion Capture System for Sports Performance Analysis, Artificial Intelligence in HCI : 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- An Analytical Toolbox for Research on Reflection, Quest (National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education), 2023, Vol. 75, No. 4, 237-252. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Supervisors’ guidance of PETE-students at practicum: a matter of controlling- or adventurous journeys, Proceedings for the European Conference on Reflective Practice-based Learning 2023 : 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Student Teachers’ Reflections on their Teaching in Practicum: two Reflection Bodies, 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Idrottslärarstudenters reflektioner om deras egen undervisning på praktiken, 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Moving online in physical education teacher education, 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Introduction : Balancing Performance and Environmental Sustainability, Ingår i: Sport, Performance and Sustainability, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. Kapitel av bok. .
- How are the impact attenuation properties of men’s and women’s helmets affected after one season in professional ice hockey?, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, 2023. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Combining impact monitoring mouthguards and blood biomarkers to monitor head impacts among Muay Thai athletes – A case study, JSAMS Plus, 2023, Vol. 2. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Mechanical energy cost in specific tennis drills, 2023. Konferensbidrag. .
- Player Load Monitoring - Are Tennis Applicationshere to stay?, 2023. Konferensbidrag. .
- The Importance of Special Teams in Ice Hockey, 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- A PE teacher’s tale: journeying from teacher education to teaching practice in physical education, Sport, Education and Society, 2023, 1-13. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Acute exercise as active inference in chronic musculoskeletal pain, effects on gait kinematics and muscular activity in patients and healthy participants : a study protocol for a randomised controlled laboratory trial, BMJ Open, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 5. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Hva finnes av forskning på/om friluftsliv for/i høyere utdanning i Norge? - En oversiktsstudie over forskning(slitteratur) på friluftsliv innen høyere utdanning, 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Fully Integrated Wearable Device for Continuous Sweat Lactate Monitoring in Sports, ACS Sensors, 2023, Vol. 8, No. 6, 2401-2409. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Kvinnor med fibromyalgi föredrar tungt belastande träning, Best Practice Nordic, 2022. Artikel. .
- Continuing the Conversation with Ward et al. (2022): Some Thoughts on Different Approaches to Epistemologically Grounded Questions, Quest (National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education), 2022, Vol. 74, No. 4, 335-338. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Peer assessment in physical education, 2022. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Activating students as resources in physical education – a complex process making symbolic, social and physical capital visible, 2022. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Konstgjorda idrottsanläggningar : Konsekvenser för utövare och miljö, Ingår i: Idrottsanläggningar, Elanders AB, 2022. Kapitel av bok. .
- How Does the Starting Order in the First and Second Run Affect the Final Rank in the FIS World Cup Giant Slalom?, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2022, Vol. 4. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The Modern Double-Poling Technique Is Not More Energy Efficient Than the Old-Fashioned Double-Poling Technique at a Submaximal Work Intensity, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2022, Vol. 4. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring physical education teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards digital technology in outdoor education, 2022. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- A theoretical framework about reflection - one way to understand the concept of reflection, 2022. Konferensbidrag. .
- A theoretical framework for research on reflections, 2022. Konferensbidrag. .
- ‘I can teach you that’ : A study of musical interaction as a learning-generating practice in Swedish preschool everyday environments, Early years, 2022. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Moving online in physical education teacher education, Sport, Education and Society, 2022, 1-13. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Sustainability in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Orthopaedics and Trauma, 2022, Vol. 36, No. 5, 279-283. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Kinematic and kinetic performance variables during paddling among para-kayak athletes with unilateral above or below knee amputation, Sports Biomechanics, 2022. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Effectiveness of the eVISualisation of physical activity and pain intervention (eVIS) in Swedish Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Programmes : study protocol for a registry-based randomised controlled clinical trial, BMJ Open, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 4. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Effectiveness of the eVISualisation of physical activity and pain (eVIS) intervention in Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Programs : Study Protocol for a Registry-based Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial, 2022. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Performance and Micro-Pacing Strategies in a Freestyle Cross-Country Skiing Distance Race, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2022, Vol. 4. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory and Accelerometer-Derived Measures in Trail Running and the Influence of Sensor Location, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2022, Vol. 17, No. 3, 474-483. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Ruminations on reflection and critical pedagogy in sport coaching, Sport Coaching Review, 2022, Vol. 11, No. 1, 87-107. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Enacting assessment for learning in the induction phase of physical education teaching, European Physical Education Review, 2022, Vol. 28, No. 2, 534-551. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring Movement Composition in the transition from physical education teacher education to school PE, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2022. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- A Wearable Biosensor for Sweat Lactate as a Proxy for Sport Performance Monitoring, Analysis & Sensing, 2022, Vol. 3, No. 4. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Women with fibromyalgia prefer resistance exercise with heavy loads : A randomized crossover pilot study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, Vol. 18. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- “Things that are taken from one culture don’t necessarily work well in another culture.” : Investigating epistemological tensions through preservice teachers’ views on the assessment of a games course in Swedish PETE, Cogent Education, 2021, Vol. 8, No. 1. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Does physical education matter? A methodological approach to understand transitions of content areas from PETE to PE, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- How does physical education teacher education matter? : A methodological approach to understanding transitions from PETE to school physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2021, Vol. 235. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Head impact doses and 'no-go' deficits in Olympic and Non-Olympic sport athletes, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Effect of sub‑technique transitions on energy expenditure and physiological load in the classical‑style technique among elite male cross‑country skiers, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2021, Vol. 121, No. 11, 3201-3209. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Differences in nitric oxide airway diffusion after maximum oxygen uptake test in asthmatic and nonasthmatic elite junior cross-country skiers, ERJ Open Research, 2021, Vol. 7, No. 1. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Längdskidåkare med eller utan astmadiagnos har ökad diffusion för NO från luftrören, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Does Physical education teacher education matter?! : A study about how PETE students reflect on teaching at practium, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Rapport från det tvärdisciplinära forskningsnätverket Internationalization and sustainability in the learning goals in higher education from an interdisciplinary research perspective, Arbetsrapport / Högskolan Dalarna, 2021. Rapport. .
- A Call to Include a Perspective of Sustainable Development in Physical Therapy Research, Physical Therapy, 2021, Vol. 101, No. 3. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Fysioterapi och hållbar utveckling : Hänger det ihop – och varför behöver vi engagera oss?, Fysioterapi, 2021, No. 4, 38-44. Artikel. .
- Kicking at the habitus : students' reading of critical pedagogy in PETE, Sport, Education and Society, 2021, Vol. 26, No. 5, 445-458. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Wrist-Worn Activity Trackers in Laboratory and Free-Living Settings for Patients With Chronic Pain : Criterion Validity Study, JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 1. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Performance and Micro-Pacing Strategies in a Freestyle Cross-Country Skiing Distance Race, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Olympic athlete safety and performance: Making sense of sensor fusion data, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Impact on Ski Regulation Changes on Race and Gate-To-Gate Times in World Cup Giant Slalom Skiing 2005-2020, Research & Investigations in Sports Medicine, 2021, Vol. 7, No. 5, 668-673. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Using machine learning to analyse player-specific ice skating characteristics to generate game-specific skating drills in professional ice hockey., 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Between ideal teaching and 'what work' : The transmission and transformation of a content area from university to school placements within physical education teacher education, European Physical Education Review, 2021, Vol. 27, No. 2, 312-327. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The ‘Dream Picture’ of Assessment for Learning is Hard to Realise in Practice, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Can Wearable Sweat Lactate Sensors Contribute to Sports Physiology?, ACS Sensors, 2021, Vol. 6, No. 10, 3496-3508. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Re-thinking pedagogical content knowledge for physical education teachers : implications for physical education teacher education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 5, 451-463. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Moving beyond rigid orthodoxies in the teaching and assessment of movement in Swedish physical education teacher education : A student perspective, European Physical Education Review, 2020, Vol. 26, No. 1, 111-127. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Joy, fear and resignation : investigating emotions in physical education using a symbolic interactionist approach, Sport, Education and Society, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 8, 872-888. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring movement learning in physical education using a threshold approach, Journal of teaching in physical education, 2020, Vol. 39, No. 3, 415-423. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Metabolic Demands, Center of Mass Movement and Fractional Utilization of ̇VO2max in Elite Adolescent Tennis Players During On-Court Drills, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2020, Vol. 2. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Gross and delta efficiencies during uphill running and cycling among elite triathletes., European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2020, Vol. 120, No. 5, 961-968. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The impact of video review in karate kumite during a Premier League competition, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2020, Vol. 20, No. 5, 846-856. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Skiers with or without asthma have increased airway diffusion rate of NO from the airways, 2020. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Skiers with or without asthma have increased airway diffusion rate of NO from the airways, European Respiratory Journal, 2020, Vol. 56. Artikel. .
- Exploring the meaning of movement capability in physical education teacher education through student voices, European Physical Education Review, 2020, Vol. 26, No. 1, 144-158. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring the educational landscape of juggling : challenging notions of ability in physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 2, 201-212. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Sustainable development in the physiotherapy masters program at Dalarna University in Sweden, 2020. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Förhandling pågår : en studie av internationella skidförbundets (FIS) medialisering, Bokförlaget idrottsforum.org, 2020. Doktorsavhandling. .
- Idrottens medialisering, Ingår i: Sport management, del 3, SISU Idrottsböcker, 2020. Kapitel av bok. .
- Pacing, Exercise Intensity, and Technique by Performance Level in Long-Distance Cross-Country Skiing, Frontiers in Physiology, 2020, Vol. 11. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Idrottens växande ekologiska fotavtryck : sportifiering, inomhustrend och miljöpåverkan, Ingår i: Sport Management, del 3, SISU Idrottsböcker, 2020. Kapitel av bok. .
- Troubled thoughts on critical pedagogy for PETE, Sport, Education and Society, 2020, Vol. 25, No. 9, 978-989. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- School PE and 'fat' kids : maintaining the rage and keeping a sense of perspective, Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 2, 101-109. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Transitions from Physical Education Teacher Education to teaching practices in Physical Education, 2019. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- The value of movement content knowledge in the training of Australian PE teachers : perceptions of teacher educators, Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2, 187-203. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- För lärande ellerför betygsättning? Idrottslärarstudenters syn på en modell för bedömning av målspel, 2019. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Joy, fear and resignation : investigating emotions inphysical education using a symbolic interactionist approach, 2019. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- The acute effects of a short technique-intense training period on side-foot kick performance among elite female soccer players, Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2019, Vol. 59, No. 9, 1442-1449. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The effect of ball temperature on ball speed and carry distance in golf drives, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, 2019, Vol. 233, No. 2, 186-192. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring the educational landscape of juggling – challenging notions of ability in PE, 2019. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Understanding learners’ sense making of movement learning in physical education, Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 2, 172-186. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Using 3D motion capture to analyse ice hockey shooting technique on ice, icSPORTS 2019 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support : 2019. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Reconceptualising pedagogical content knowledge in physical education teacher education, 2018. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Att röra sig bortom rigida ortodoxier i undervisning och bedömning av rörelsepraktiker inom idrottslärarutbildning – ett studentperspektiv, 2018. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Undervisning och bedömning i ämnet friluftsliv i ämnet idrott och hälsa, 2018. Konferensbidrag. .
- Development(s) of outdoor education in Sweden, Ingår i: The changing world of outdoor learning in Europe, Routledge, 2018. Kapitel av bok. .
- The effect of training on side foot-kick performance among swedish first league women´s soccer players, 2018. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- The influence of task conditions on side foot-kick accuracy among swedish first league women’s soccer players, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (JSSM), 2018, Vol. 17, No. 1, 74-81. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The effect of ball temperature on ball speed and carry distance in golf drives, 2018. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Effekten av en träningsintervention avseende kvinnliga elitfotbollsspelares bredsidespassningsprecision och deras uppfattning om sin tekniska färdighet, 2018. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Att urskilja och erfara sitt sätt att springa - kan elever lära sig det i idrott och hälsa?, Forskning om undervisning och lärande, 2018, Vol. 6, No. 1, 43-63. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Att uppmärksamma sitt sätt att röra sig - kan elever lära sig det i idrott och hälsa?, Idrott & hälsa, 2018, No. 3, 20-22. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Teaching and learning movement capability in PE: learning to run differently, 2018. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Where do you find media in the organisations?, Where do you find media in the organisations : 2018. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Assessment of movement in Swedish PETE : A matter of learning or just ticking a box?, 2017. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- PETE students’ experiences of assessment of movement : A Shulmanian perspective, 2017. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Peer-assessment of technical and tactical skillsin invasion games - possibilities and limitations?, 2017. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Forskning om friluftsliv i Norge: reproduktion av det nationella eller nyfikenhet på det globala?, Malmö Högskola, 2017. .
- Undervisning och bedömning i friluftsliv, 2017. Konferensbidrag : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Friluftsliv i fjällen : Fjällsäkerhetsrådets läromedel för åk 7-9, 2017. .
- What would physical educators know about movement education? A review of literature, 2006-2016, Quest (National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education), 2017, Vol. 69, No. 4, 419-435. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Comparison between single and combined data collection methods in loaded squat jump power output, Gazzetta Medica Italiana, 2017, Vol. 176, No. 6, 315-321. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The effects of strength training versus ski-ergometer training on double-poling capacity of elite junior cross-country skiers, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2017, Vol. 117, No. 8, 1523-1532. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- ‘It doesn't matter how they move really, as long as they move.’ Physical education teachers on developing their students’ movement capabilities, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2017, Vol. 22, No. 2, 137-149. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Physical education teachers' content knowledge of movement capability, Journal of teaching in physical education, 2017, Vol. 36, No. 1, 61-69. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exergames ‘as a teacher’ of movement education : exploring knowing in moving when playing dance games in physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2017, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1-14. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Beatrice: Dance video games as a resource for teaching dance, Ingår i: Digital technologies and learning in physical education, Routledge, 2017. Kapitel av bok. .
- The way that physical education aims to provide the recommended dose of physical activity in school children is multifaceted, Acta Paediatrica, 2017, Vol. 106, No. 1, 12-13. Artikel. .
- What should a physical education teacher know? : An analysis of learning outcomes for future physical education teachers in Sweden, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2016, Vol. 21, No. 2, 185-200. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- ”Tell us what to do and how to assess!” : Swedish PE teachers’ experiences of the implementation of Support For Assessment in outdoor education, 2016. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- The influence of sex, age, and race experience on pacing profiles during the 90 km Vasaloppet ski race, Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 2016, Vol. 7, 11-19. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Physiological demands of competitive sprint and distance performance in elite female cross-country skiing, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2016, Vol. 30, No. 8, 2138-2144. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Elitlängdskidåkningens fysiologiska krav, Svensk idrottsmedicin, 2016, Vol. 35, No. 1, 22-24. Artikel. .
- Aerobic power and lean mass are indicators of competitive sprint performance among elite female cross-country skiers, Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 2016, Vol. 7, 153-160. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Betydelse av syreupptag och kroppsmassa för prestation i längdskidåkning, Svensk idrottsmedicin, 2016, Vol. 35, No. 1, 25-27. Artikel. .
- Student's second-language grade may depend on classroom listening position, PLOS ONE, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 6. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Children's recall of words spoken in their first and second language : Effects of Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Reverberation Time, Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, Vol. 6, No. JAN. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa : En bok om rörelse, kunskap och lärande, Studentlitteratur AB, 2016. Bok. .
- Träna bort den stressrelaterade ohälsan, SISU Idrottsböcker, 2016. Bok. .
- Chronic widespread pain in adolescents is highly associated to stress and anxiety, Meeting abstracts : 2015. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Development of measuring devices for evaluating hand force in rheumatoid arthritis, 2015. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- The meaning of knowing what is to be known, Education et Didactique, 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1, 193-220. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Från ord till rörelser och dans : en analys av rörelsekunnandet i en dansuppgift, Forskning om undervisning och lärande, 2015, No. 14, 24-40. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Physiological demands of competitive elite cross-country skiing, Umeå University, 2015. Doktorsavhandling. .
- Optimal V. O2max-to-mass ratio for predicting 15 km performance among elite male cross-country skiers, Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine, 2015, Vol. 6, 353-360. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The importance of body-mass exponent optimization for evaluation of performance capability in cross-country skiing, Umeå University, 2015. Doktorsavhandling. .
- Sex differences in acute translational repressor 4E-BP1 activity and sprint performance in response to repeated-sprint exercise in team sport athletes, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2015, Vol. 18, No. 6, 730-736. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Ammonium chloride ingestion increases resting mRNA content but attenuates exercise-induced mRNA levels in human skeletal muscle, PLOS ONE, 2015, Vol. 10, No. 12. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Idrettens treningslære, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S, 2015. Bok. .
- Motivation towards dual career of European student-athletes, European Journal of Sport Science, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 2, 151-160. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Aerobic and anaerobic test performance among elite male football players in different team positions, LASE Journal of Sport Science, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 2, 73-92. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Running economy and blood lactate accumulation in elite football players with high and low maximal aerobic power, LASE Journal of Sport Science, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 2, 44-51. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Peak oxygen uptake and muscle power can be simultaneously improved with hybrid training, LASE Journal of Sport Science, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 1, 3-15. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring capability to move : somatic grasping of house-hopping, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2015, Vol. 20, No. 6, 612-628. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- PE teachers' content knowledge of capability to move, 2015. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Exergame - a pedagogical device in movement education?, 2015. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Developing a ‘somatic velocimeter’ – the practical knowledge of freeskiers, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 2015, Vol. 7, No. 4, 488-503. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Innebörden av att kunna 'house hop' rörelsekunnande som kroppslig förståelse, Forskning om undervisning och lärande, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 15, 5-21. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- License to Jump : A history of women´s Ski Jumping, Beijbom Books, 2015. Bok. .
- Styrketräning för unga, Skolhälsan, 2015, No. 1, 10-11. Artikel. .
- Styrkt av träning, Äldre i Centrum, 2015, Vol. 29, No. 4, 21-23. Artikel. .
- Improved tracking performance of lagrangian block-matching methodologies using block expansion in the time domain : in silico, phantom and in vivo evaluations, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2014, Vol. 40, No. 10, 2508-2520. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Senior power : styrketrening for eldre, Akilles forlag, 2014. Bok. .
- Differences in muscle activity during hand dexterity tasks between women with arthritis and a healthy reference group, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2014, Vol. 15. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Two different sets of hand exercises : improved grip strength after eight weeks in patients with arthritis, 2014. Konferensbidrag. .
- Prediction of race performance of elite cross-country skiers by lean mass, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2014, Vol. 9, No. 6, 1040-1045. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Time trials predict the competitive performance capacity of junior cross-country skiers, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2014, Vol. 9, No. 1, 12-18. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Oxygen uptake at different intensities and sub‑techniques predicts sprint performance in elite male cross‑country skiers, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2014, Vol. 114, No. 12, 2587-2595. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Peak hand-grip force predicts competitive performance in elite female cross-country skiers, 2014. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Does six-weeks of high-intensity cycle training with induced changes in acid-base balance lead to mitochondrial adaptations?, 2014. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Effects of induced changes in acid-base balance on mitochondrial adaptations to training, Book of Abstracts of the 19th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science – ECSS Amsterdam 2014 : 2014. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Physical education : a subject for learning?, 2014. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Bedömning och betyg i Idrott och hälsa, 2014. Konferensbidrag. .
- Aage Radmann. Huliganlandskapet. Medier, våld och maskuliniteter : Recension, 2014. .
- Exploring ‘what’ to learn in physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2014, Vol. 19, No. 2, 123-135. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring ‘knowings’ in human movement : The practical knowledge of pole-vaulters, European Physical Education Review, 2014, Vol. 20, No. 1, 72-89. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Ways of knowing in ways of moving : A study of the meaning of capability to move, Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies, Stockholm Univeristy, 2014. Doktorsavhandling. .
- The development of ski jumping for women 2004-2014 : Did the media have an impact?, 2014. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Från Assars lada i vår fantasi till Hellnerbacken på våra näthinnor, 2014. Rapport. .
- Träna bort övervikten med FATREX, SISU Idrottsböcker, 2014. Bok. .
- Learning Study as a way to inquire the meaning of knowing what is to be known : The meaning of knowing how to move in specific ways, WALS - World Association of Lesson Studies, International conference 2013: Lesson and Learning Study as teacher research, 5-9 september : 2013. Konferensbidrag. .
- Bra och enkla fystester, SISU Idrottsböcker, 2013. Bok. .
- Senior Power - Styrketräning för äldre, SISU Idrottsböcker, 2013. Bok. .
- A new electronic grip force measurement device for hand evaluation, Abstracts of the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR. June 12-15, 2013. Madrid, Spain : 2013. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Scaling maximal oxygen uptake to predict performance in elite-standard men cross-country skiers, Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013, Vol. 31, No. 16, 1753-1760. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Scaling of upper-body power output to predict time-trial roller skiing performance, Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013, Vol. 31, No. 6, 582-588. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The importance of scaling VO2MAX to predict cross-country skiing performance, 2013. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Träningen som ger spelarna knäkontroll, Svensk Idrottsforskning, 2013, No. 4, 25-27. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Affective responses to qigong : a pilot study of regular practitioners, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 2013, Vol. 17, No. 2, 177-184. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- A new device for measuring ski running surface force and pressure profiles, Sports Engineering, 2013, Vol. 16, No. 1, 55-59. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Den idrottspedagogiska modellen sport education undersöks och lovordas : recension av Sport Education: International Perspectives, Peter Hastie (red), 2013. .
- Att utveckla sin rörelseförmåga – exemplet house hop, 2013. Konferensbidrag. .
- The meaning of knowing how to move in specific ways - capability to move as embodied understanding, 2013. Konferensbidrag. .
- Do the media dominate the sport - and does anyone care?, Studia Sociologica, 2013, Vol. 1, 115-128. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Japan strengthens the Olympic value of Nordic skiing, Program & Abstract book: ISHPES Congress : 2013. Konferensbidrag. .
- Tunga vikter för en lättare ålderdom, Svensk Idrottsforskning, 2013, Vol. 22, No. 3, 8-12. Artikel. .
- Fysisk trening for barn och ungdom : for helse, allsidig utvikling og prestasjon, Akilles forlag, 2013. Bok. .
- The effect of gender on strength training in older people : a Swedish population study, Psychology and Health, 2012, Vol. 27, No. s1, 155-156. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Increasing Activation of the Gluteus Medius using a New Training Device, Journal of Sport and Health Research, 2012, Vol. 4, No. 3, 311-320. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- A grip force over 104 Newton is associated to less activity limitations and pain in women with hand ostheoarthritis, 2012. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Qualitative differences in the muscle activity in the forearm flexor and extensor muscles in healthy men and women in different ages, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2012, Vol. 71, No. s3, 755-755. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Hand flexor and extensor muscle activity in daily activities and hand exercises in women with rheumatoid arthritis or hand osteoarthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2012, Vol. 71, No. s3, 754-754. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Grip force and muscle activity are associated with kinematics in the golf swing, 2012. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Unilateral Strength Training With Maximal Velocity Improves Lower Body Power Outcome And Movement Velocity, 2012. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Validation of off-season physiological tests with ski ranking in elite male junior cross-country skiing, Book of Abstract: Supplement to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 44, Number 5, May 2012 : 2012. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Validation of off-season physiological tests with ski ranking in elite male junior cross-country skiing, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2012, Vol. 44, No. s2, 516-516. Artikel. .
- Validation of physiological tests in relation to competitive performances in elite male distance cross-country skiing, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2012, Vol. 26, No. 6, 1496-1504. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Kvalitet i undervisning - med fokus på förmågor, 2012. Konferensbidrag. .
- Miljöer för små barns lärande i matematik, naturvetenskap och teknik, 2012. Konferensbidrag. .
- Förskolor som miljöer för ett omsorgsfullt lärande med fokus på matematik, naturvetenskap och teknik, 2012. Konferensbidrag : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Maximal work capacity and performance depends warm-up procedure and environmental but not inspired air temperatures, Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 2012, Vol. 15, No. 1, 26-39. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The meaning of knowing what is expected to be known : The case of ‘Househop’, 2012. Konferensbidrag. .
- Att utveckla en kroppslig hastighetsmätare : en studie av free ski åkares rörelsekunnande, 2012. Konferensbidrag. .
- Idrottsämnets pedagogik : recension av Pedagogy and Human Movement: Theory, practice, research (Tinning, Richard), 2012. .
- Varken skakad eller rörd, recension av Shaking or Stirring?: A case-study of physical education teacher education in Norway (Moen Mordal, Kjersti), 2012. .
- Åldersanpassad fysisk träning för barn och ungdomar, SISU Idrottsböcker, 2012. Bok. .
- Styrketräning är positivt för barns utveckling, Svensk Idrottsforskning, 2012, No. 2, 53-54. Artikel. .
- Om korta, tydliga råd och sammanfattningsrutor…, Idrott och Kunskap, 2012, No. 3, 54-55. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Hur många stulna medaljer?, Idrott och Kunskap, 2012, No. 4, 58-59. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Uthållighetsträning och kolhydrater: det stora missförståndet, Idrott & Kunskap, 2012, No. 5, 58-59. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Statisk uthållighet i bågskytte, Bågskytten, 2012, Vol. 65, No. 11, 18-20. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Sports and mediatization : a case of women´s ski-jumping, 2011. Konferensbidrag. .
- Är din uppvärmning optimal? , Idrott och Kunskap, 2011, No. 5, 58-59. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Den aeroba nojan, Idrott och Kunskap, 2011, No. 2, 56-57. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Mest är inte alltid bäst, Idrott och Kunskap, 2011, No. 3, 56-57. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- No difference in sprint cycling performance tests on a stationary and mobile ergometer, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2011, Vol. 43, No. 5, 161-161. Artikel. .
- Sodium bicarbonate ingestion prior to training improves mitochondrial adaptations in rats, American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2010, Vol. 299, No. 2, E225-E233. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Att träna fettförbränning och att fettförbränningsträna är inte samma sak?, Idrott och Kunskap, 2010, 52-53. Artikel. .
- Träningsplanering, Idrott och Kunskap, 2010, 60-61. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Tidig allsidig specialisering, Idrott och kunskap, 2010, 60-61. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Styrketräning för barn: del 2 : rekommendationer i andra länder, Svensk Idrottsmedicin, 2009, 13-17. Artikel. .
- Scaling oxygen consumption to body mass in real elite cross-country skiing performances, Book of Abstracts : 2009. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- The effects of sex and repeated-sprints on muscle protein signalling, Book of Abstracts of the 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Oslo, Norway, June 2009. Sport Sciences: Nature, Nuture and Culture : 2009. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Styrketräning för barn: del 1 : Var står vi nu?, Svensk Idrottsmedicin, 2009, No. 4, 6-12. Artikel. .
- Hur tränar man explosiv styrka bäst?, Idrott och Kunskap, 2009, 52-53. Artikel. .
- Similar expression of oxidative genes after interval and continuous exercise, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2009, Vol. 41, No. 12, 2136-2144. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Styrketräning för äldre : mirakelkur för individen, familjen och samhället?, Svensk idrottsmedicin, 2008, Vol. 27, No. 1, 14-19. Artikel. .
- Quantitative and qualitative adaptation of human skeletal muscle mitochondria to hypoxic compared to normoxic training at the same relative work rate, Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 2007, Vol. 190, No. 3, 243-251. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Reduced efficiency, but increased fat oxidation in mitochondria from human skeletal muscle after 24 hours ultra-endurance exercise, Journal of applied physiology, 2007, Vol. 102, No. 5, 1844-1849. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and ROS production in response to extreme endurance exercise in athletes, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 2006, 413-414. Artikel. .
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