Contact and Visit Us

Dalarna University has campuses in both Borlänge and Falun. On this webpage, you can find contact details, addresses, opening hours and maps for both.


Academic Calendar and Workload
Invoices, Dalarna University

Visit Campus Borlänge

Picture of Campus Borlänge

Discover Sweden’s most modern campus in central Borlänge! A creative, modern and flexible meeting place. A hub for education and research, Campus Borlänge houses the School of Information and Engineering and the School of Culture and Society. 

Visiting Address: Stationsgatan 4, Borlänge

Campus Borlänge: main entrance (Google Maps)

Find your way on Campus Borlänge (Maps)

Opening Hours Campus Borlänge

Main Outside Doors Main entrances: Monday–Friday 08.00–16.00
Side entrances and entrance facing Ovanbrogatan:
Students: Monday–Sunday 06.00–22.00 with card and code
Reception and Switchboard Monday–Friday: 08.00–16.00
Changed opening hours
Support Services: Digital Learning Environments Monday–Friday: 08.00–16.00
Supportcafé on Zoom
University Library

Visit the library webpage for current opening hours/changes to opening hours

Parking at Campus Borlänge

Outside the campus, there are paid parking spaces close to the campus building. Free parking can be found, for example, along Jussi Björlings väg near Folkets Park.

Parking in Central Borlänge (Borlänge kommun)

Visit Campus Falun

Campus Falun is located in Falun’s most sport-intensive area, with the national arena for cross-country skiing and ski jumps right on its doorstep, and indoor sporting arenas within a short walking distance. The campus features a modern study environment and an impressive library for meetings, studies, and public events.

Campus Falun houses the School of Language, Literatures and Learning, and the School of Health and Welfare. It is also equipped with one of Sweden’s best-equipped labs for sports physiology. In the former soldier barracks area, Regementet, you can find the Mediehuset, which is where the University’s media programmes are taught.

Visiting Address: Högskolegatan 2, Falun

Campus Falun: main entrance (Google Maps)

Find your way on Campus Borlänge (Maps)

Visiting Address Mediehuset: Kaserngården 15, Falun

Mediahuset, Campus Falun (Google Maps)

Opening Hours Campus Falun

Main Outside Doors 
(also applies to Mediehuset) 

Monday–Friday: 07.30–17.00

Keycard and code access possible, 24 hours a day

Reception, Helpdesk and Switchboard Monday–Friday: 08.00–16.00
Changed opening hours
Support Services: Digital Learning Environments Monday–Friday: 08.00–16.00
Supportcafé on Zoom
University Library

Monday–Friday: 08:00–20:00 (not staffed 18.00–20.00; open with keycard)
Saturday 10.00–16.00 (not staffed, open with keycard)

Visit the library webpage for up-to-date information about opening hours

Parking at Campus Falun

There are visitor parking spaces available near Campus Falun where you can park your car for free. Write down your car's registration number on the visitor list located near the reception inside the campus. Students can also obtain a parking permit at the reception at Campus Falun. Place the parking permit clearly visible on the windshield. The permit is valid for the semester and is free of charge. When visiting the Mediehuset, a parking disc (P-skiva) must be used, allowing you to park for free for up to 4 hours.


  • By car: about 15 minutes between campuses. 
  • By bus: direct buses run every 20 minutes between the two campuses. Buses between Borlänge and Falun go every 10 minutes.
    The bus stops near Campus Falun are Högskolan Lugnetleden and Högskolan Svärdjögatan.
    The bus stops near Campus Borlänge are Borlänge centrum, Borlänge resecentrum (travel centre).
    See Dalatrafik timetables
  • By train: trains between the Borlänge and Falun train stations take about 15 minutes. It takes about five minutes to walk from the Borlänge train station to the campus in Borlänge; it takes about 20 minutes to walk from the Falun train station to the campus in Falun.
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