Official Opening of the Most Modern Campus in Sweden: Campus Borlänge

Dalarna University's new, state-of-the-art campus in Borlänge was officially opened at a well-attended ceremony on Monday. The new campus is a creative and flexible place for education and research in the areas of data and IT, tourism, society and culture, economics and technology.
Personer sittande tillsammans som tittar på 2 personer som klipper ett lila band. Personerna som klipper bandet har mörka kostymer. Den ena har glasögon den andra har page.
Vice-Chancellor Jörgen Elbe and Student Union Chairperson Ebba Erkas cut the ribbon held by students Madelene Stenberg, System Science Programme, and Robert Hackzell, Sport Management Programme. Erik Bäckvall

The new campus aims to meet future needs and increase interest in the University. The innovative design of the campus creates unique development opportunities and provides space for new methods and forms of education. By integrating physical and digital presence in the classrooms, students, whether campus-based or online, will have the same learning opportunities.

Man i mörk kostym med glasögon står framför en stor grupp av människor.
Jörgen Elbe, Vice-Chancellor of Dalarna University. Erik Bäckvall

– This campus is not just a building, it is a symbol of our future. With its central location in Borlänge and innovative design, Campus Borlänge offers outstanding opportunities for our students and researchers, says Vice-Chancellor Jörgen Elbe.

The design of the campus is characterised by sustainability and inclusion, which aligns with the University's long-term strategy. The choice to reuse furniture and materials is deliberate and one that was made so as to contribute to sustainable development.

Person i page står framför en grupp och pratar. Bredvid personen finns en mörkröd pelare.
Dalarna Student Union's Chairperson, Ebba Erkas. Erik Bäckvall

– Campus Borlänge is so much more than just part of a university. It is a place of innovation where the focus is on ensuring the right conditions for student success, says Ebba Erkas, Student Union Chairperson.

Campus Borlänge now offers 13 300 square metres of modern education and research facilities. While the first students were welcomed to the new campus on 2 September, an open house on 4 September will be held where the public will have the opportunity to discover the University's new premises.

During the opening ceremony on Monday 2 September, students and staff heard speeches given by Dalarna University's Vice-Chancellor Jörgen Elbe, Dalarna's County Governor Helena Höij, the Director General of the Swedish Higher Education Authority Martin Norsell, State Secretary Maria Nilsson, and Dalarna Student Union's President Ebba Erkas as well as music from local musician Stiko Per Larsson.

Vy över folksamling
Around 700 people attended the opening ceremony. On Wednesday 4 September at 16.00 the public will be welcomed to explore the new campus. Erik Bäckvall
En peson står framför en grupp och spelar gitarr. Personen har hatt.
Stikko Per Larsson played during the opening ceremony. Erik Bäckvall
Man i kavaj står i folkvimmel.
Jonas Tosteby, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Education, and Maria Jansdotter Samuelsson, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, mingle with students at the Studenttorget. Erik Bäckvall
Man i mörk kavaj i motljus
Martin Norsell, Director General of the Swedish Higher Education Authority and former Vice-Chancellor of Dalarna University, returned to the University to attend the opening ceremony. Erik Bäckvall
Tre personer ser glada ut och står nära varandra. I bakgrunden syns en glasdörr.
Campus Borlänge will be the predominant place of study for students in the fields of economics, data, IT, society and culture, technology and tourism. Here some of the very first students arrive at the new campus. Erik Bäckvall
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