Over the academic year 2016/2017, the African Studies Department had some 20 visiting lecturers, all distinguished and internationally recognised specialists on various parts of Africa. This enables us to offer a unique and advanced teaching on the diverse and multifaceted continent that is Africa. As one of our students said: 'for a similar education one would have to go to many universities in Europe or in Africa, while here it's all under one roof'.
Guest Lecturers
Hear what some of our guest lecturers have to say about the African Studies programme.
Emeritus Prof. Chris Saunders, a Specialist on Southern African modern history, University of Cape Town, was a visiting scholar at DUCAS in September 2015.
Let me say first that it was a great honour to be a Palme visitor, given Olof Palme’s distinguished anti-apartheid record and support for South Africa’s liberation struggle. I was delighted to be given the opportunity to participate in the teaching programme of the Centre for African Studies at Dalarna University (DU), the only Masters in African Studies in Sweden. This gives the students (the majority from Europe) access to a range of African specialists, from Africa itself and from a number of European universities. I believe this to be unparalleled at any other university in the world and trust that the DU authorities appreciate how remarkable an achievement this programme is, and what credit it brings the university.
Prof. Horman Chitonge, A Specialist on Rural Development in South Africa and Zambia, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, lectured to the Master's students at DUCAS in November 2015
It has been a great opportunity for me to teach, but also engage with students. The class in which I taught has students from different parts of the world which presents an excellent learning and teaching environment in our increasingly globalising world. We are actually educating the future global citizens!
Emerita Prof. Michka Sachnine, Specialist Yoruba language, one of the many lecturers from INALCO, Paris, of whom several have returned every year since 2007. …nous avons été impressionnés par l’intelligence avec laquelle enseignants, responsables administratifs et instances élues travaillent collectivement pour s’appuyer sur les possibilités qu’offrent les programmes… le département propose un Master d’Études africaines unique en Suède en s’appuyant sur une collaboration pérenne avec des universités européennes offrant des compétences complémentaires (Bologne, Oulu-Finlande, Humboldt-Berlin par exemple.
Dalarna University Centre for African Studies (DUCAS)
The African Studies courses are hosted by Dalarna University Centre for African Studies (DUCAS). The academic partners of DUCAS are the Universities of Bologna (Italy) and Oulu (Finland). DUCAS also collaborates actively with the Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala, Sweden).
DUCAS 12th Annual Africa Days, October 25-26, 2016
The DUCAS Twelft Annual Africa Days at Dalarna University was organized in October 25-26, 2016. Since 2006 DUCAS has hosted the annual Africa Days at Dalarna University for invited guest lecturers from African Studies partner universities in Europe and Africa, students of the African Studies Master's courses and the general public in Dalarna and Sweden.
The DUCAS 11th Annual Africa Days at Dalarna University in October 2015 was attended by international guest lecturers and presenters from Cameroon, Finland, Italy, Rwanda, South Africa and Western Sahara together with students, former students, faculty and DUCAS partners and friends in Dalarna and Sweden.
L. F. Berge
Dr, Ass. Prof. History
Head of the Master's Programme in African Studies
Director of DUCAS
Phone: +46 23 77 82 79
Mobile Phone: +46 70 398 62 51
E-mail: labe@du.se