Course Analysis

The completion of a course evaluation and a course analysis is important step in the University’s systemic work towards quality. We distinguish between the terms course evaluation and course analysis: see point two below.

Course Evaluation

Each original course room (not "Ultra") in Learn contains a course evaluation template. You can include your own questions in this template. See the guide för kursvärdering och kursanalys.
You can also choose to use Sunet Survey to conduct a course evaluation: information about Sunet Survey.

Course Analysis

You conduct a course analysis using the template below (English or Swedish) after you have reviewed the course evaluation. Download the template and complete the analysis. Save this as a PDF on your computer. Next, upload this into the respective Learn course room under Course Information. See the guide for course evaluation/course analysis.

Click on the template you want to use:

Procedures at Dalarna University

1. It is important that there be a systematic approach to course evaluations and course analyses. They need to be documented, and students (and other parties that are in some way involved) must be able to access the results. A course analysis must be conducted for all courses at the University.

2. A course evaluation and a course analysis are not the same thing. A course evaluation refers to how students evaluate a course. A course analysis refers to a holistic review of the course. The course analysis is based on the students’ evaluations of the course but also considers other factors that affected the course. It also includes the thoughts and opinions of the teacher(s).

3. Students in a course at Dalarna University must always be able to express their opinions on the course.

A central question in a course evaluation ought to ask whether the structure and design of the course helped students to meet the course objectives. Aspects that need to be addressed in a course analysis are the course’s economic framework, teaching premises (e.g., classrooms), digital support structures, timetabling, course literature, and, where relevant, the opinions of other teachers (of the course).

The template for the course analysis (see below) should always be used and published in Learn under Course Information so that it is accessible to guests. Previous course analyses should also be published in the next course room so that students can both read up about how the course has developed and understand that the course evaluations that they submit are important for course improvement.

More information can be found in the document Regler för kvalitetskrav: ansvar och kontinuerlig uppföljning av utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå (in Swedish) (pdf).

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