Over your first few weeks, your immediate manager will make sure you receive a good introduction. By following the introductionplan for new collaegues, you and your manager can make sure that all parts are covered. You find the introductionplan for new collaegue under Attachments on this page.
You yourself, meanwhile, are responsible for several matters relating to your new employment. One of these is payment of your wage.
Working environment
At Dalarna University, we care about our employees! Read through the information on the working environment, to understand what obligations and rights you have as an employee. On the work environment pages, you can see who your work environment representative is, what routines we have for reporting incidents and how best to set up your workstation.
Account Number and Tax Certificate (Skattesedel)
- Report your bank account number to Danske Bank, which is the bank that pays out your monthly wage. You log in using your BankID and enter Dalarna University’s customer number (kundnummer): 79152. If Danske Bank does not have your account number at the time of the monthly payday, then you will receive a payout slip (utbetalningsavi) instead.
- Order a notice of tax assessment for preliminary tax (skattesedel för preliminär skatt) (or decision on tax liability – skattejämkning) from Skatteverket and send this to the University’s Office of Human Resources. If we do not receive this, you will receive a tax deduction based on tabell 35 plus a further ten percent.
Register Your Information in Primula
- Check your personal data. We need your correct address and the contact information of a family member in the case of an emergency or serious event.
- If you are a teacher, provide details of your secondary occupation (bisyssla).
- Register your highest-level formal degree – we need such data for our statistics. Also state whether you have started or completed the “Högskolepedagogisk utbildning” (15 credits).
Register for the General Introduction
In addition to the introduction you will receive at your workplace, we also encourage you to participate in the general introduction for all new employees at Dalarna University.
The introduction takes place a few times a year; please refer to the calendar. During the general introduction, you will gain more background and information about our operations, vision, and strategy, as well as how your role contributes to achieving our mission – to co-create knowledge, education, and research. The event will also provide an opportunity to meet new colleagues and establish connections.
Dates for upcoming introduction days can be found in the calendar (information in Swedish)
Register here for the General Introduction for new Dalarna University employees.
What It Means To Be a Government Employee
As a government employee, you are required to handle issues in an objective, factual and impartial manner. You work in the service of the general public, and that brings with it special responsibility.
Being a government employee (information in Swedish)