Employment as a Doctoral Student

When you decide to study at the doctoral level, you set out on an academic journey that will be both exciting and challenging. Here are practical tips that can guide you during this time.

Employment and Renewal/Extension


There is a clear time frame for how long you can hold your doctoral post. The doctoral post is fixed-term and is regulated by the Higher Education Regulation, Chapter 5. The aggregate period of employment is four years full-time for studies leading to a degree of doctor and two years full-time for studies leading to a degree of licentiate.

The initial appointment applies for one year only but can be renewed, usually one year at a time. Employment as a doctoral student is most often full-time; however, the law does allow for part-time studies of at least 50%.

The Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) - Swedish Council for Higher Education (uhr.se)


A couple of months before your period of employment is set to end, the Office of Human Resources will calculate how much time (of the two or four years) has been used and how much remains.

If there is opportunity to do so and if you continue to work according to your individual study plan, the period of your employment can, in most cases, be extended by one year at a time. This can be extended further if special grounds exist. The Higher Education Ordinance states what these special grounds are: they include illness, leave of absence to take up an elected position in a trade union or student organisations, and parental leave. In addition, your period of employment is extended by the corresponding time that you spent on administrative duties. If you need to take care of a child, this also gives you the right to an extension.  

Your immediate manager shares the calculation with both you and your supervisor so that you all have the same information about your status. Your immediate manager is responsible for the administration of your renewal/extension, and a new employment decision is sent to your home address for your signature.

Job Transition Agreement (Omställningsavtal) and the Job Security Foundation

If you have not secured new employment when your period of employment is soon to end, then you are entitled to support from the Job Security Foundation (Trygghetsstiftelsen). For example, in your final month of employment, you are entitled to take time off without a pay deduction so that you can get expert help planning your future. Doctoral students are also entitled to financial benefits: 44 days with supplement from a-kassan (unemployment benefit).

Job Security Council (Trygghetsstiftelsen) (TSN.se/en)

Salary, Absence and Vacation

Salary Setting

A collective pay agreement governs the setting of doctoral student salaries: it is known as Doktorandstegen (doctoral ladder). This agreement is revised annually at the time of the payroll audit (lönerevisionen).

At the 50 percent and then the 80 percent point of completion of your studies, you will receive a pay increase. Request a written statement from your supervisor when you reach these stages and provide this to your immediate manager.

If you successfully complete a course in teaching within higher education (högskolepedagogisk utbildning) (at least 7.5 credits), then you will receive a salary supplement of 500 SEK/month. Present proof of your course completion to the Office of Human Resources.


You must record all your absences in Primula regardless of whether they are for childcare, sick leave, union assignments, or vacation. This is very important as it means an accurate calculation can be made of how much time you have used up and how much time remains. In case of an extended absence, it is also important that you think about how this can affect your rate of study.

If you get another post at the University, then you will need to register the extent of your leave of absence from your other position of employment. Since certain types of absence allow for an extension to your period of employment as a doctoral student, it is important that you report any absence, such as sick leave or childcare, against the right position of employment.


Vacation is important as it gives you the chance to rest. You follow the same procedures for vacation as other employees.

More information in Primula

Administrative Duties

What is meant by “administrative duties”?

Doctoral students will dedicate most of their time to their studies and thesis. However, it is common that while you are a doctoral student, you will spend some of your time on administrative duties. In Swedish, this is called institutionstjänstgöring. The completion of administrative duties is a form of professional development and will help you in your future career within academia since it affords you the chance, for example, to gain teaching experience. Your individual study plan (ISP) outlines how you will distribute your time between your thesis, your courses, and your administrative duties.

Plan and Prioritise

It is important that your administrative duties do not adversely affect your thesis work. The Higher Education Ordinance states that administrative duties are not to comprise more than 20% of your working hours. While you are a doctoral student, you may not be asked to work overtime. When you teach, you are entitled to as much time to prepare as other teaching staff. It is important that you and your immediate manager prioritise what else should be included in your 20%: for example, which meetings you are expected to attend.

Working Time Agreement for Doctoral Students (PDF)

Work Environment and Continuing Professional Development 

Work Environment

While a doctoral student, you are a member of Dalarna University staff and are subject to the same rights and obligations as other members of staff. It is your immediate manager who is responsible for supporting you and coordinating your introduction, employee performance meetings (medarbetarsamtal), and regular follow-ups. It is very important that you maintain active discussions with your immediate manager and that you ask for help if, for example, you need support prioritising your work duties or if there are issues in the workplace.

Employee Benefits, Dalarna University

Are You Having Personal Issues at Work

Introductory Course for Doctoral Students

The University regularly offers introductory courses for its new doctoral students. These courses provide valuable information and give you the opportunity to meet other doctoral students. Please contact your Director of Studies for more information about upcoming courses.

Continuing Professional Development and Support (information in Swedish)  

Global Challenges University Alliance

The University is a member of the network called Global Challenges University Alliance. As such, it can provide you with continuing professional development opportunities. The aim of the network is to contribute to sustainable global development in line with Agenda 2030.

Global Challenges University Alliance (slu.se)

Remember to
  • Keep track of your Individual Study Plan (ISP). Make sure you work according to your ISP, and talk to your principal supervisor and immediate manager if your circumstances change.
  • Maintain a healthy work environment. Talk to your immediate manager, director of studies or somebody else you can trust if you are experiencing issues at work that are affecting your wellbeing.
  • Plan your time carefully. Be sure that administrative duties do not take up more than 20% of your time: this includes time for meetings and preparation.
  • Report any absence. Register your absence in Primula. This is important for the correct calculation of your period of employment.
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