Advice and Dialogue with Your Financial Officer (Ekonom)
Before Applying for External Funding
- Contact your financial officer at an early stage to discuss and receive advice on the financial aspects of your project idea and application.
- Book a meeting to draw up a budget and an internal financial calculation: do this well ahead of the application deadline. The Head of School (prefekt) must approve the budget and any co-financing by signing the internal financial calculation.
- At an initial stage, consider the costs of the planned project in relation to the financial regulations and other terms set by the funding body. For example, many funding bodies also reimburse publication costs, known as Article Processing Charges (APC). Is there a budget for these in the application?
- Do you need co-funding from the University?
Direct Contacts - Office of Finance and Procurement
- School of Health and Welfare - Malena Hedin
- School of Information and Engineering - Petra Karlsson and Victoria Younes
- School of Culture and Society - Ulrika Eriksson
- School of Language, Literatures and Learning - Liselott Hedman
More information prior to applying for external research funding
Project Approval
- Notify your financial officer once you find out whether your research application has been approved by the funding body. Likewise, notify your financial officer even if your application is rejected. If it is approved, you and your financial officer must review the administrative management of the financial aspects of the project. These include financial transactions, project reports, final financial statements and registration (diarieföring) of financial documents.
Ongoing Projects, Closure and Audit
- You can receive assistance from your financial officer during the project with, for example, project reports, project completions and follow-ups.
- Contact your financial officer as soon as you find out that the project will undergo an audit. This can be done during projects, at the end of the project or after the project.
Direct Costs
Direct costs are those costs that are directly attributable to the project. Examples of direct costs are salaries, travel costs and materials.
Indirect Costs
Indirect costs (also referred to as Overhead/OH-kostnader) refer to common costs (for the entire university or for one of the five university schools (institutioner)) that cannot be linked to a particular cost carrier. Examples include costs for libraries, IT support and other administrative staff who work in Central Administration.
Full-Cost Coverage
In applications to Swedish funding bodies, the indirect costs must be calculated according to the SUHF model. What this means among other things is that each project that universities take on must incur both direct and indirect costs. External research projects must bear their share of the cost. What this does is free up funding for other projects while giving the University greater flexibility when it comes to the use of government funding (anslagen).
It is during the application phase that indirect costs for all research projects must be calculated. An internal calculation model is available that you can use when preparing a research application. The internal calculation is prepared by a financial officer working with the project manager/researcher, and this must be approved by the Head of School after consultation with the research leader.
Salary Expenses Charge (Lönekostnadspåslag - LKP)
LKP refers to the costs beyond the actual salary of an employee that the employer incurs to employ somebody. LKP includes, for example, employer contributions, contract insurance premiums and pension contributions. LKP varies between age groups.
Article Processing Charges (APC)
Nowadays, many research funding bodies require Open Access (OA) publication of research results and pay for any OA costs. These costs are referred to as Article Processing Charges.
For more information and advice, see Scientific Publications
Budgeting for Salaries
When budgeting a research project that will be financed in a currency other than SEK, consideration must be given to the exchange rate and exchange rate fluctuations. Your financial officer will know more about this. The current Euro rate can be found on the website of the European Central Bank.
Euro foreign exchange reference rates: European Central Bank (
Be sure to budget for any potential wage increases if the project is set to run over several years.
Doctoral student salaries are determined in accordance with the agreement titled Lokalt avtal om lönesättning vid doktorandanställning” (log-in required).
Dalarna University is not permitted to receive paper-copy invoices. Instead, suppliers must submit their invoice electronically to the University (e-invoicing). This can be done using the PEPPOL network; the Svefaktura Transportprofil base; or the University’s invoice portal (Fakturaportalen).
Detailed information about e-invoice management (pdf) (Information in Swedish)
Peppol format: 0007:2021002908.
E-invoice format: SFTI Svefaktura
GLN: 7300009068289
Corporate: 202100-2908
The university employee must always provide the initials in their Dalarna University email address as a reference (e.g.,, the objektnummer, and their first and last name when placing an order with an external supplier.
VAT registration number, VAT: SE202100290801
You must report the VAT when you order goods and services from EU countries in connection with the invoicing of publication fees, Open Access and so forth. For non-EU countries, you should always enter VAT if you are unsure as to what applies.
Bankgiro: 5050-2665
IBAN: SE 6612000000012810117632
Participant Identity Code, PIC: 986578077
PIC must be provided with Horizon 2020 applications.
Unique Identity ID (UEID): TNVVDU4A5FB3
You must provide UEID for applications to funding bodies in the United States.
Visitors’ Address
Campus Borlänge: Röda vägen 3, Borlänge
Campus Falun Main Entrance: Högskolegatan 2, Falun
Campus Falun Mediehuset: Kaserngården 15 (Dalregementet), Falun