2024: Abstracts and Theses
Name: Therese Friberg, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: February 7
Thesis: Elever som "svaga" och "starka" : En studie av elevers olikheter som sociala representationer
Name: Anna Ramberg, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: November 15
Thesis: Selfies, springfilmer och tjuvjakter : förskolebarns bildskapande och estetiska utforskande med digitala verktyg
Name: Magnus Fahlström, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: October 18
Thesis: Teaching mathematics in a physical environment : Act, react, or avoid? (diva-portal.org)
Name: Andreas Isgren Karlsson, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: October 4
Thesis: Digital technology and environmental sustainability in physical education and physical education teacher education : The enactment of societal movements in educational contexts (diva-portal.org)
Name: Karin Årman, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: September 27
Thesis: Bland epor och hijabs : Kontroversiella frågor på en högstadieskola i bruksorten (diva-portal.org)
Namn: Åsa Grek, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: September 27
Thesis: Firm Policies and Critical Data Sources (diva-portal.org)
Name: Anders Ohlsson, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: September 20
Thesis: Grafisk profil, mallar och presentationer - Högskolan Dalarna (du.se)
Name: Malin Kronqvist Håård, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: August 23
Thesis: Technologies of Power in a State-initiated School Improvement Programme : Governing by school self-improvement (diva-portal.org)
Name: Maria Walla, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: June 17
Thesis: Matematik i förskoleklass : En studie om bedömning och matematikundervisning vid skolstart (diva-portal.org)
Name: Jennie Silverplats, Dalarna University
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: June 11
Thesis: In-hospital cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Sweden : Healthcare professionals’ competence and compliance with guidelines (diva-portal.org)
Name: Paria Sadeghian, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: May 31
Thesis: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Human Mobility and Transportation Mode Detection Using GPS Data (diva-portal.org)
News article: Unveiling innovative approaches to understand human mobility and transportation
Name: Roxan Saleh, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: Maj 24
Thesis: Towards Smart Maintenance : Machine-Learning Based Prediction of Retroreflectivity and Color of Road Traffic Signs (diva-portal.org)
News article: New research on road sign visibility paving the way towards safer traffic
Name: Nausheen Saeed, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: March 28
Thesis: Objective Assessment of Loose Gravel Condition using Machine Learning with Audio-visual Observation (diva-portal.org)
News article: Focus on improved road maintenance and safer traffic in new research
Name: Marcus Falk Johansson, Dalarna University
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: April 19
Thesis: For better and for worse, till death do us part : Support needs of persons caring for a co-habitant spouse or partner with dementia (diva-portal.org)
Dissertation at other higher education institutions
Name: Sofia Lindén, Stockholms universitet
Subject: Language Education
Date: November 8
Thesis: Scaffolding for the development of language and knowledge in Study Guidance through the Mother Tongue (SGMT) in Swedish primary school
Name: Helén Sterner, Linnaeus University
Subject: Mathematics, Mathematical Education
Date: November 29
Thesis: Lärarnas och elevernas lärande om funktionstänkande : En utbildningsvetenskaplig designstudie i en algebraisk undervisningspraktik
Name: Veronica Sjöberg, Dalarna University
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: November 24
Thesis: eVIS – A digital support for physical activity in patients with chronic pain
News article: Nytt digitalt stöd kan hjälpa vid smärta (Swedish)
Name: Jonah Kiruja, Dalarna University
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: October 6
Thesis: Quality of maternal healthcare : Exploring severe maternal outcomes and the influence of delays and decision-making on caesarean sections in a low-resource setting
Name: Erika Bomström Aho, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: September 8
Thesis: Villkor för lärande : Utbildning på språkintroduktionsprogrammet ur lärar- och elevperspektiv
Name: Jama Ali Egal, Dalarna University
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: June 7
Thesis: Women search for normality in birth: Solutions empowering resilience and reproductive agency while reducing adverse outcomes for Somaliland women
Name: Ross May, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: March 31
Thesis: On the Feasibility of Reinforcement Learning in Single- and Multi-Agent Systems: The Cases of Indoor Climate and Prosumer Electricity Trading Communities
Name: Luis Da Costa Oliveira, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: January 17
Thesis: Decision-making strategies of internationalization under challenging times : Lessons from SMEs
News article: Internet-based operations can disrupt companies in their internationalization processes
Dissertation at other higher education institutions
Name: Puneet Kumar Saini, Uppsala University
Subject: Engineering Science with specialization in Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Date: November 23
Thesis: Solar integrated heating systems: Applications in buildings and industries
Name: Åsa Bergman Bruhn, Karlstad University
Subject: Working Life Science
Date: March 31
Thesis: The double-sided nature of lifestyle-oriented work within the Swedish equine sector: Characteristics and consequences for employee health and well-being
News article: Arbetsmiljö och arbetsförhållanden inom hästnäringen i ny forskning
Namn: Fan Zhang, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: November 24
Thesis: Machine learning for building energy system analysis
Name: Vijay Padi, Dalarna University
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: June 3
Thesis: Parking support model for open parking lots
Name: Helena Fridberg, Dalarna University
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: May 20
Thesis: The complexities of implementing person-centred care in a real-world setting: A case study with seven embedded units
Name: Charlotte Roos, Dalarna University
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: April 22
Thesis: Promoting dignity and well-being in residential care facilities: Older persons’ perceptions and experiences of important aspects and associated factors
Name: Elin Eriksson, Dalarna University
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: February 11
Thesis: Teaching with the support of pre-produced materials : To approach natural science in preschool
Dissertation at other higher education institutions
Name: Kevin Walther, Uppsala University
Subject: Business Studies
Date: December 9
Thesis: Digital internationalization of SMEs: A phenomenon-based study on the video game industry
Namn: Mahwish Naseer, Karolinska Institutet
Subject: Health Sciences
Datum: October 14
Thesis: Why do older adults seek emergency care? The impact of contextual factors, care, health, and social relations
Name: Marco Hernandez Velasco, Uppsala University
Subject: Engineering Physics
Date: December 16
Year-round production of forest seedlings under LED lamps biological and energetic implications of indoor cultivation
Name: Asif M Huq, Högskolan Dalarna
Ämne: Microdata Analysis
Date: November 12
Corporate Disclosure Regulations: Social Solution or Problem? Huq, Asif M, Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society
Name: Marie Moström Åberg, Mälardalens högskola
Subject: Working life science
Date: October 29
Epistemology of practice and its consequences in practice. Educating for knowing-in-action in working life
Name: Maria Larsson, Högskolan Dalarna
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: October 22
Viktig läsning? Svensklärare i gymnasiet om läsundervisning i en performativ kontext
Name: Charlie Lindgren, Högskolan Dalarna
Subject: Microdata Analys
Date: June 4
Voluntary Information Sharing, Retail Pricing, and Firm Performance
Name: Helena Eriksson, Stockholms universitet
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: April 9
Att utveckla algebraiskt tänkande genom lärandeverksamhet. En undervisningsutvecklande studie i flerspråkiga klasser i grundskolans tidigaste årskurser
Name: Ricardo Ramírez Villegas
Subject: Energy system
Date: February 24
"Energy efficient renovation in a life cycle perspective - A case study of a Swedish multifamily-building"
Name: Nadezda Lebedeva
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: January 15
"What keeps play alive? A dynamic system approach to playing interactions of young newcomer children in Sweden"
Name: Jonathan Yachin, Mid Sweden University
Subject: Human Geography Business Administration
Date: November 20, 2020
"Behind the scenes of rural tourism: a study of entrepreneurship in tourism micro-firms"
Name: Tina Lidberg, University of Gävle
Subject: Energy Engineering
Date: November 6, 2020
"Building Energy Efficiency Measures in District Heating Systems"
Name: Jenny Åberg, Örebro University
Subject: Political Science
Date: October 2, 2020
"The Establishment of Semi-Presidential Regimes: A Mixed Methods Approach to How and Why."
Name: Susanne Koistinen
Subject: Nursing
Date: September 25, 2020
"Oral health, experiences of oral care, associated factors, and mortality among older people in short-term care"
Name: Helena Grundén, Linnéuniversitetet
Subject: Mathematics Didactics
Date: September 14, 2020
"Mathematics teaching through the lens of planning – actors, structures and power"
Name: Lotta Wedman, Göteborgs universitet
Subject: Mathematics Didactics
Date: September 11, 2020
"The concept in mathematical education: A concept analysis"
Name: Corey Blackman, Högskolan i Gävle
Subject: Energy Engineering
Date: September 8, 2020
"Evaluation of Modular Thermally Driven Heat Pump Systems"
Name: Cecilia de Bernardi, the University of Lapland, Finland
Subject: Tourism Studies
Date: August 28, 2020
"Authenticity as a compromise: "a critical realist perspective on Sámi tourism labels"" (in Finnish)
Name: Marit S Nybelius
Subject: Media and Communication Studies
Date: May 15, 2020
"Förhandling pågår. En studie av internationella skidförbundet (FIS) medialisering" (in Swedish)
Name: Somayeh Aghanavesi
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: May 8, 2020
"Sensor-based knowledge- and data-driven methods: A case of Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms quantification"
Name: Therese Granström
Subject: Endocrinology and Diabetes
Date: April 28, 2020
"Patient-reported and medical outcomes in patients treated for diabetic macular edema: A real-world longitudinal study"
Name: Maryam Bourbour
Subject: Pedagogy
Date: April 23, 2020
"Digital technologies in preschool education: The interplay between interactive whiteboards and teachers' teaching practices"
Name: Jonas Jäder
Subject: Didactics
Date: January 10, 2020
"Med uppgift att lära: om matematikuppgifter som en resurs för lärande" (in Swedish)
Name: Maria Fredriksson
Subject: Pedagogical Work
Date: December 6, 2019
"Med blicken på möten. Bubers pedagogiska idé i dialog med förskolans praktik"
Name: Maria Svedbo Engström
Subject: Caring Science
Date: November 29, 2019
"Patient Perspectives brought to the Fore for Diabetes Care: Descriptions as well as Development and Testing of the Diabetes Questionnaire"
Name: Dávid Molnár
Subject: Applied Material Physics
Date: November 28, 2019
"Stacking fault energy and deformation behaviour of austenitic stainless steels: a joint theoretical-experimental study"
Name: Moa Swing Gustafsson
Subject: Energy and Environmental Technology
Date: November 5, 2019
"Heating of buildings from a system perspective"
Name: Katarina Grim
Subject: Health Sciences
Date: September 13, 2019
"Legitimizing the knowledge of mental health service users in shared decision making: Promoting participation through a web-based decision support tool"
Name: Ilias Thomas
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: April 5, 2019
"Automating levodopa dosing schedules for Parkinson’s disease"
Name: Sanja Nilsson
Subject: Religious Studies
Date: March 22, 2019
"Performing Perfectly: Presentations of Childhood in Knutby Filadelfia Before and After the Dissolution of the Congregation"
Name: Anna Anåker
Subject: Medical Sciences
Date: February 21, 2019
"Fysisk miljö på strokeenheter : betydelse för vården" (in Swedish)
Name: Rueben Laryea
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: November 28, 2018
"A data-driven decision support system for coherency of experts’ judgment in complex classification problems - The case of food security as a UN sustainable development goal"
Name: Nian Zhou
Subject: Material Sciences
Date: November 23, 2018
"Surface integrity and corrosion behavior of stainless steels after grinding operations"
Name: Madelen Lagin
Subject: Business Administration and Management
Date: October 26, 2018
"The Price We Pay: The Autonomy of Store Managers in Making Price Decisions: The Case of Grocery Retailing"
Name: Yujioa Li
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: September 14, 2018
"Who benefits when IKEA enters local markets in Sweden?"
Name: Karin Yvell
Subject: Material Sciences (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Date: June 5, 2018
"Experimental Studies of Deformation Structures in Stainless Steels using EBSD"
Name: Elisabeth Wallin
Subject: Naturresursteknik (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
Date: March 16, 2018
"From growth cessation to bud burst: conifer seedling development in response to nursery culture and environmental stimuli"
Name: Hans Kellner
Subject: Materials Science (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Date: December 12, 2017
"Study of Non-metallic Inclusion in Alloy 825"
Name: Fatumo Osman
Subject: Medical Sciences (Karolinska institutet)
Date: December 8, 2017
"Ladnaan : evaluation of a culturally tailored parenting support program to Somali-born parents"
Name: Stefano Poppi
Subject: Energy Engineering (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Date: October 9, 2017
"Solar heat pump systems for heating applications: Analysis of system performance and possible solutions for improving system performance"
Name: Anders Bornhäll
Subject: Economics (Örebro University)
Date: October 6, 2017
"Unseen job creators and firm growth barriers: the role of capital constraints and seniority rules"
Name: Anders Persson
Subject: History, Educational Science (Umeå University)
Date: September 15, 2017
"Lärartillvaro och historieundervisning: innebörder av ett nytt uppdrag i de mätbara resultatens tid"
Name: Thorbjörn Swenberg
Subject: Innovation and Design (Mälardalen University)
Date: September 15, 2017
"Framing the Gaze: (Audio-) Visual Design Intentions and Perceptual Considerations in Film Editing"
Name: Farhana Borg
Subject: Education (Umeå University)
Date: September 8, 2017
"Caring for people and the planet: preschool children's knowledge and practices of sustainability"
Name: Eva Hämberg
Subject: Social Work (Örebro University)
Date: June 17, 2017
"Tillsyn i teori och praktik: om statlig styrning och kontroll av socialtjänstens individ- och familjeomsorg"
Name: Marcus Gustafsson
Subject: Energy, Forest and Built Environments (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Date: June 15, 2017
"Energy Efficient Renovation Strategies for Swedish and Other European Residential and Office Buildings"
Name: Xiaoyun Zhao
Subject: Complex Systems - Microdata Analysis (Dalarna University)
Date: April 28, 2017
"Government vs Market in Sustainable Residential Development?: Microdata analysis of car travel, CO2 emission and residence location"
Name: Jan Olsson
Subject: Education (Umeå University)
Date: April 26, 2017
"GeoGebra, Enhancing Creative Mathematical Reasoning"
Name: Eva-Lena Erixon
Subject: Education (Örebro University)
Date: March 31, 2017
"Matematiklärares kompetensutveckling online: policy, diskursoch meningsskapande"
Name: Jennie Svensson
Subject: Steel Forming and Surface Engineering (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Date: March 28, 2017
"An Experimental Study to Improve the Casting Performance of Steel Grades Sensitive for Clogging"
Name: Lovisa Berg
Subject: Intercultural Studies (University of Edinburgh)
Date: January 20, 2017
"Creating a Man, a Mouse or a Monster? : Masculinityas Formulated by Syrian Female Novelists through the Second Half of the 20thCentury."
Name: Kristin Svenson
Subject: Complex Systems - Microdata Analysis (Dalarna University)
Date: January 20, 2017
"A Microdata Analysis Approach to Transport Infrastructure Maintenance"
Name: Emil Gustafsson
Subject: Materials Engineering
Date: December 20, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Anna Annerberg
Subject: Education
Date: December 16, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Susanna Nordin
Subject: Medical Science
Date: December 8, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Mattias Gradén
Subject: Human Geography
Date: November 17, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Anna Teledahl
Subject: Education
Date: October 8, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Eva Randell
Subject: Medical Science
Date: October 7, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Peter Jansson
Subject: Social Work
Date: October 14, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Maria Olsson
Subject: Special Education
Date: September 23, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Robert Thorp
Subject: History / Educational Sciences
Date: September 9, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Wei Hing Rosenkvist
Subject: Chinese
Date: August 29, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Diala Jomaa
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: June 16, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Joacim Larsson von Garaguly
Subject: Business Administration and Management
Date: June 7, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Mari-Cristin Malm
Subject: Nursing
Date: February 25, 2016
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Sören Högberg
Subject: Education
Date: December 18, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Olga Viberg
Subject: Information Systems
Date: December 1, 2015
Abstract and Thesisn
Name: Myat Win Kaung
Subject: Energy and Environmental Technology
Date: December 14, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Ulrica Byrskog
Subject: Nursing
Date: October 1, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Roger Nyberg
Subject: Computer Engineering
Date: October 15, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Solveig Malmsten
Subject: Swedish
Date: September 5, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Subject: Education
Date: September 21, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Mohammad Ali Joudi
Subject: Energy Systems
Date: June 12, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Zuzana Macuchova
Subject: Human Geography
Date: June 5, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Tomas Carlsson
Subject: Medicinsk vetenskap inriktning idrottsmedicin
Date: June 7, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Magnus Carlsson
Subject: Medicinsk vetenskap inriktning idrottsmedicin
Date: June 7, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Maria Thulemark
Subject: Human Geography
Date: May 29, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Klas Sundberg
Subject: Business Administration and Management
Date: May 20, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Xiangli Meng
Subject: Microdata Analysis
Date: April 23, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Alexis Rydell
Subject: Arbetsvetenskap
Date: February 6, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Julie Skogs
Subject: English
Date: February 6, 2015
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Elisabeth Jobs
Subject: Medical Sciences
Date: December 4, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Christine Cox Eriksson
Subject: English
Date: November 13, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Niklas Elert
Subject: Economics
Date: September 19, 2014
Thesis (pdf)
Name: Ginger Selander
Subject: Caring Sciences
Date: August 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud
Subject: English
Date: June 5, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Majbritt Felleki
Subject: Statistics
Date: June 4, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Gunn Nyberg
Subject: Education
Date: May 9, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Taha Khan
Subject: Computer Engineering
Date: April 16, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Catia Cialani
Subject: Economics
Date: March 25, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Mikael Berg
Subject: Didaktics
Date: March 14, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Mevludin Memedi
Subject: Computer Engineering
Date: February 14, 2014
Abstract and Thesis
Name: Mats Landström
Subject: Economics
Date: January 24, 2014
Abstract and Thesis