Research projects

Mathematics, inclusion and equity

Mathematics, inclusion and equality (MIL) is carried out in close collaboration with two schools that face challenges and also work to ensure student equality and inclusion. The aim is to contribute knowledge about how inclusion and equality can be supported from the student's perspective.


Mathematics is the subject in which most students are disadvantaged and where the lack of a passing grade leads to the inability to study in the general programs in upper secondary school, something that is clearly marked by factors related to gender, background, parents' level of education and where you go to school. The project Mathematics, inclusion and equality (MIL) has been running for about two years and contributes knowledge about how mathematics teaching can support inclusion and equality, the project is ethically tested (Dnr 2022-02989-01). The project has received good grades in VR and we have an application in this year as well, we have also published results from the first two years in, among other things, a highly ranked journal (Bagger & Roos, 2024). The project is carried out in close collaboration with two schools located in areas and municipalities that face challenges in terms of the equality and inclusion of all students in the subject of mathematics. The project's choice of theory and approach thus aims at a practice-developing knowledge. At the same time, there are two schools that themselves work to work on these issues at a school development level, therefore the principal is an important partner and participates in certain focus group discussions. 

The present project is a continuation of the previous and ethically tested project, also under ethical review. This aims to, together with the same two schools, develop and implement the results we already have and through this contribute with process evaluation knowledge about how inclusion and equality can be supported in a sustainable way in different types of classrooms. It thus means a transfer of the project's results from the previous project. This means that context deepening knowledge is developed because in the continuation study we direct the attention and the next part of the project towards the students in the classroom. Through this, students who are usually disadvantaged become co-creators in developing knowledge about what enables inclusion and equality to be realized through mathematics teaching for different types of students and in different teaching contexts.


Selected publications

Bagger, A. & Roos, H. (accepterad) The mathematics is MInE – en modell för att stödja inkludering och likvärdighet genom undervisning. Matematik- og Naturfagsdidaktik. Tidsskrift for undervisere, forskere og formidlere (MONA). Københavns Universitet.

Roos, H., Bagger, A. (2024) Ethical dilemmas and professional judgment as a pathway to inclusion and equity in mathematics teaching. ZDM Mathematics Education (2024).

Helena Roos, Anette Bagger. (2023) Moments of inclusion and equity in mathematics education. Paul Drijvers; Csaba Csapodi; Hanna Palmér; Katalin Gosztonyi; Eszter Kónya. Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), Jul 2023, Budapest, Hungary. Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics; ERME, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), TWG25 (13). ⟨hal-04409456⟩

Roos, H. & Bagger A. (2021) DEVELOPING EQUAL AND INCLUSIVE MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL – IS IT POSSIBLE? Proceedings of the Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Volumes 1–3. Konferensbidrag vid 11th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 24-29, 2021 (pp. 22

Project overview
Project Leader
Project period
2024-09-01 — 2025-09-01
Project status
  • Helena Roos, Malmö University